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Making the Esperanto dictionary bigger and more diverse. Seerdero project.

od 3arin2, 07. oktober 2019

Sporočila: 23

Jezik: English

Metsis (Prikaži profil) 10. oktober 2019 06:29:14

I don't think, that we need a project or a campaign to collect more roots per se. However what we, members of the Esperantujo, need some consolidation within some professional and science fields. I'm professionally involved with computers, so I want to highlight terminology within computer science and related disciplines. Yes, I know Komputeko, but it needs updating and expanding to other languages. Above all it or any other similar project needs some kind of official status, i.e. "recommended by Akademio de Esperanto". AdE is the ultimate gatekeeper of the language, but understandably it can't keep up with pace of many disciplines.

novatago (Prikaži profil) 10. oktober 2019 09:29:07

This kind of things keep arriving because people doesn't pay attention to Fundamento, or just they even don't know anything about it.

3arin2:Hello, anyone who decided to visit this page! =)
While Esperanto as a language possesses more than 3000 basic word roots and the possibility of roots combination as a way of creating new words, it was pointed out many times by many people that Esperanto is not very diverse in its vocabulary. Also, the fact that the language has only a few thousand basic roots means that the range of synonyms in some contexts can be a bit limited.
It was pointed out a lot of irrelevant things about Esperanto and a lot of lies against it.

The real problem here is that 3arin2 thinks "People doesn't like Esperanto because 'this random reason', so I'm going to make a new Esperanto with no flaws. But since Esperanto has a lot of Esperanto speakers, it's better to try put something new in the language that they will like for sure because it's 'evident' that 'this random reason' exists AND it's a real problem".

The true is that these projects solve nothing because always there will be someone pointing out "problems", so people will like and not like the language the same. For example, a lot of people don't want to be stuck to a dictionary for the rest of their life when they choose to learn a language that claims to be easier to learn.

Anyway, anyone can add new words to Esperanto if they are compatible with the grammar. There is a specific rule about adding new words in the grammar, and it not aims diversity at all (really: rule number 15) and, in the other hand, it makes any international foreign word a Esperanto word (with Esperanto writing way) if needed, and beside it, in the prologue of the Fudamento there are several paragraphs about adding words and making them official. But to think that to make a whole new dictionary at once will fix something or just will be accepted just because "unicorns", is... well, let's say just naive. So, yes, you are more or less (more less than more, because you are the typical case of 'I don't need to learn properly the language to change it' AND THAT'S A PROBLEM IN ESPERANTO INDEED) free to do this, but don't expect acceptation, among other things because actually you are not even proposing anything. There are a lot of forgotten words in PIV with a better strategy than yours.

Ĝis, Novatago (blogo / 7 + 1)

Zam_franca (Prikaži profil) 10. oktober 2019 20:36:48

Mi ja samopinias.

franco_maine (Prikaži profil) 11. november 2019 19:29:56

Sporočilo je skrito

franco_maine (Prikaži profil) 11. november 2019 19:45:53

@ MiMalamasLaAnglan

"Komencantoj de Esperanto lernas tre rapide."

Mi konsentas. Ankaŭ interrete translate.google.com tradukas sufiĉe bone al kaj de Esperanto, almenaŭ el pluraj lingvoj. Mi pensas, ke pli bonas ke ĉiuj legantoj komprenu kaj ne nur la anglalingvanojn.

Zam_franca (Prikaži profil) 11. november 2019 20:17:02

franco_maine:@ MiMalamasLaAnglan

"Komencantoj de Esperanto lernas tre rapide."

Mi konsentas. Ankaŭ interrete translate.google.com tradukas sufiĉe bone al kaj de Esperanto, almenaŭ el pluraj lingvoj. Mi pensas, ke pli bonas ke ĉiuj legantoj komprenu kaj ne nur la anglalingvanojn.
Ne, la Gugla tradukilo estas tre malbona en Esperanto. Tamen jam estas la vortaro de lernu.

3arin2 (Prikaži profil) 16. marec 2020 06:25:10

I have just created a Google Doc to publicly monitor the progress of the project! =)

Zam_franca (Prikaži profil) 16. marec 2020 10:23:50

3arin2:I have just created a Google Doc to publicly monitor the progress of the project! =)
Iru aliretejen, bonvole!
Vi misuzas la nomon de Esperanto, kaj postulas, ke ni esperantistoj adoptu vian "nov-Esperanton"!

Lasu nin paroli la lingvon de Zamenhofo!

Iru tien por lerni perfektan kaj senaniman lingvon!

And you don't even speak the real Esperanto!

3arin2 (Prikaži profil) 16. marec 2020 10:38:04

3arin2:I have just created a Google Doc to publicly monitor the progress of the project! =)
Iru aliretejen, bonvole!
Vi misuzas la nomon de Esperanto, kaj postulas, ke ni esperantistoj adoptu vian "nov-Esperanton"!

Lasu nin paroli la lingvon de Zamenhofo!

Iru tien por lerni perfektan kaj senaniman lingvon!

And you don't even speak the real Esperanto!
Lerni Esperanton ne malhelpas iun trovi novajn vortradikojn. Nek koni novajn radikojn malebligas vin uzi la lingvon. Samkiel la scio de la franca ne malhelpas vin lerni la hispanajn vortojn!

Zam_franca (Prikaži profil) 16. marec 2020 10:43:22

3arin2:I have just created a Google Doc to publicly monitor the progress of the project! =)
Iru aliretejen, bonvole!
Vi misuzas la nomon de Esperanto, kaj postulas, ke ni esperantistoj adoptu vian "nov-Esperanton"!

Lasu nin paroli la lingvon de Zamenhofo!

Iru tien por lerni perfektan kaj senaniman lingvon!

And you don't even speak the real Esperanto!
Lerni Esperanton ne malhelpas iun trovi novajn vortradikojn. Nek koni novajn radikojn malebligas vin uzi la lingvon. Samkiel la scio de la franca ne malhelpas vin lerni la hispanajn vortojn!
Sed ni ne bezonas trovi novajn radikojn por jam ekzistantaj aferoj!!!!

Ĉu oni anstataŭigu rusajn vortojn pere de anglaj vortoj al cele farigi la rusan pli facile lernebla por anglalingvanoj?????

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