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Pronunciation of 'e' in "Teach Yourself Esperanto"

aaronshenhao, 2019 m. spalis 27 d.

Žinutės: 14

Kalba: English

Metsis (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. spalis 28 d. 21:22:24

nornen:However I think this lengthening of accented vowels is not proper Esperanto.
Take a look at the grammar pages of this Lernu. The third paragraph Skribo kaj elparolo has following entries:
[8] En vortoj kun du aŭ pli da vokaloj, unu vokalo estas elparolata pli forte ol la aliaj. Ĝi havas akcenton.

[11] La longeco de la vokaloj estas en Esperanto tute sensignifa. Oni povas elparoli ilin longe, mezlonge aŭ mallonge, laŭplaĉe.

[12] Ĉiu Esperanta vokalo estas elparolata "senmove", kio signifas, ke oni ne aŭdeble movas la langon de unu pozicio en la buŝo al alia pozicio dum la elparolo de unu vokalo. Ekz. E ne sonu kiel "ej", O ne kiel "oŭ".
Given these there are a lot of speakers, who lengthens the stressed vowel. You can pronounce vowels lengthy, albeit few do so.

@aaronshenhao, the entry is noteworthy especially for English-speakers. Absolutely don't say "Esperantoŭ"!

aaronshenhao (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. spalis 29 d. 01:53:40


All this discussion of vowels is quite alien to me, because I speak a language with more vowels and combinations of them (long vowels and diphthongs).

You should realise, that no all pronounce the same way. At universala kongreso or some other international Esperantist meeting you will find many accents. Some will be really annoying (and plain wrong), some you can live with (within acceptable range) and some you will find excellent. There is Youtubist named Evidea (coincidentally from Australia), who speaks fluently (and possibly too fast for a beginner) and IMHO has good modern pronunciation.

Having said that don't get fixed to hone your pronunciation too much too early. Learn the language, learn some idiomatic expressions and head for a meeting. Listening to speakers with another native language to yours will teach you a lot.

Bonvenon al Esperantujo!
Thank you very much for the advice, I'll check out his channel.

sudanglo (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. spalis 29 d. 11:56:45

Isn't there some web site where you can listen to a variety of speakers (different nationalities) pronounce the same word in Esperanto? I seem to remember having come across that. Someone will know the link.

Anyway, as some have said, the pronunciation of bet get pet in standard English seems to me a reasonable guide.

So long as you are not pronouncing Melo (badger) like Mejlo (mile), I think you are doing OK. Unless you want to sound like an English Esperantist from the pioneer days. Tray bonay!

MiMalamasLaAnglan (Rodyti profilį) 2019 m. spalis 29 d. 14:35:45

sudanglo:Isn't there some web site where you can listen to a variety of speakers (different nationalities) pronounce the same word in Esperanto? I seem to remember having come across that. Someone will know the link.

Anyway, as some have said, the pronunciation of bet get pet in standard English seems to me a reasonable guide.

So long as you are not pronouncing Melo (badger) like Mejlo (mile), I think you are doing OK. Unless you want to sound like an English Esperantist from the pioneer days. Tray bonay!
Eble vi ŝatos Forvon. Ekzemple: la vorto "saluton"

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