Kwa maudhui


ya Genjo_BlankaRingo, 13 Novemba 2019

Ujumbe: 8

Lugha: English

Genjo_BlankaRingo (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 13 Novemba 2019 11:03:40 asubuhi

A lot of other sites allow you to put tags on your posts and search by tag.
Why is it that tags cannot be added to topics on lernu, nor can you search for topics in any way?
Or is there a way to tag your posts that either I haven't discovered or unlocked yet, and how do you unlock it?

Zam_franca (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 13 Novemba 2019 1:22:01 alasiri

Are talking about that okulumo.gif ?
Just write «; [and] )», for instance
Ĉu vi parolas pri tio okulumo.gif ?
Nur skribu : «; [kaj] )» ekzemple.

sergejm (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 13 Novemba 2019 5:38:40 alasiri

This is smiles.
Tags is absent in lernu, as I know.

Metsis (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 14 Novemba 2019 8:40:40 asubuhi

Sergejm is right, no tags, but there is nothing preventing you from putting some in the end of your post with some agreed-upon marking, e.g. [tag] or #tag. Then you can use Google's search for those, " [tag]" resp. " #tag". Of course there are a couple of downsides, like you don't know what tags are already used and it takes time for Google to catch up.

Lernu seems to be based on a custom software (see Impressum at the end of the page for details). Maybe the software predates the breakthrough of tags, maybe it was never considered to be part it, I don't know.

Zam_franca (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 14 Novemba 2019 5:11:53 alasiri

Oh tags, how stupid am I... Well, for instance you can write #Suno and add the twitter "Suno" hash link.
Ho diesoj, kia stultulo estas mi... Nu, ekzemple vi rajtas skribi #Suno kaj aldoni la ligilon de la tvitera "Suno" dieso.

Scivolegulo (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 7 Desemba 2019 10:21:50 alasiri

Hello everyone okulumo.gif Sorry that I write in this thread... I can't see any button for searching the threads. Neither can I see where to start an own thread. And the third problem I have is that I can't save edits of my profile in the settings; when pressing the save button nothing happens. I'd be happy if anyone may help me.

Metsis (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 8 Desemba 2019 6:25:53 alasiri


There is no own search function here, but Google works. For instance tags

returns this thread at the top. Once you are logged in, you see at the top right for every forum a red button with the text "+ Nova temo" or a translation of it depending in what language you are using.

Saving indeed happens in a non-intuitive way. Once you're pressed save, there is a notification at the top of the page saying , that the changes were saved but you still remain in the edit mode. Switch to the view mode of your profile and you see that the changes were saved.

Zam_franca (Wasifu wa mtumiaji) 25 Januari 2020 7:50:02 alasiri

DISAWIA:to topics on lernu, nor can you search for topics in any way?
Or is there a way to tag your posts that either I haven't discovered or unlocked yet, and how do you unlock it?
No, such things do not exist.
There are 8 forum sections, and except this you can only search precise posts by using the language filter.

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