Tin nhắn: 23
Nội dung: English
drsolution (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 13:10:38 Ngày 15 tháng 12 năm 2019
your help.
What I find is that it is very difficult to find help for a nubie like me because those who are "experts", as in many fields, have no patience and do not understand why it seems difficult when it is so easy and obvious to them.
I am a dentist so obviously I have the ability to learn.
All I am trying to do is find a basic understanding of what to use and when and there are so many it is hard to corrilate.
You know like
Who, what where when how why etc. That way when I see • Kiu estas tiu viro? I know that is who is that man?
and again I know it is not always that simple, but it would be a start.
Yes, I know it is much more complicated than that with all the possible modifiers but those can be added as I go along.
BTW do you know if lerni still has the tutor program or is that gone? I remember there were lessons which would be sent to a person who would then correct and return by email th corrections and answer questions.
Thanks again for your comments
Zam_franca (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 13:50:29 Ngày 15 tháng 12 năm 2019
You know likeI do not understand what you meant.
Who, what where when how why etc. That way when I see • Kiu estas tiu viro? I know that is who is that man?
and again I know it is not always that simple, but it would be a start.
When one says Kiu estas tiu viro?, he knows that the one he is talking about is a man, but actually he know nothing about him, except that is a man. So he wants to learn more about him. "Kiu" is here "Who", but as far as I understood, you got that. IMHO this is easy to a understand, but once more, I do not really understand what you meant.
BTW do you know if lerni still has the tutor program or is that gone? I remember there were lessons which would be sent to a person who would then correct and return by email th corrections and answer questions.I don't think so. But you can chat with Esperanto teachers on edukado.net
If I made grammatical mistakes, please correct me.
Se iuj volas, ke mi traduku kion diris mi, bonvolu demandi.
Metsis (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 14:57:59 Ngày 15 tháng 12 năm 2019

The Lernu course is based on so called Zagreb method, that teaches 500 most relevant word roots and most commonly used pre- and postfixes to them (the main way of constructing words in Esperanto). There is a sound pedagogical base for the method. I strongly recommend taking the lessons and reading the grammar sections in them as they they will gradually teach you e.g. the table words a.k.a. correlatives or la tabelvortoj resp. la korelativoj (i.e. those who, what where when how why etc.). There is little point tossing them all to you, you would probably get very confused. The gradual approach using in the Zagreb method is much better. Be patient, do some exercises and ask here.