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Translating Dracula

von PrimeMinisterK, 19. April 2020

Beiträge: 10

Sprache: English

PrimeMinisterK (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 03:19:15

Let's have a bit of fun now.

I was noticing last night that Dracula, despite being a well-known classic and also being in the public domain, has never been translated into Esperanto. This is surprising to me since so many other high-profile classics like Alice in Wonderland, Murder on the Orient Express, Jane Eyre, A Christmas Carol and 1984 have all been translated.

Why not Dracula?

I thought it might be interesting for us to translate the first paragraph. And by "we," I mean you, and then I'll see what you come up with. I figure it could be a worthwhile challenge. I read through the first few paragraphs and quickly realized it was way too advanced for me to even have an idea of how to begin.

Dracula starts like this:

(Kept in shorthand.)

3 May. Bistritz.—Left Munich at 8:35 P. M., on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place, from the glimpse which I got of it from the train and the little I could walk through the streets. I feared to go very far from the station, as we had arrived late and would start as near the correct time as possible. The impression I had was that we were leaving the West and entering the East; the most western of splendid bridges over the Danube, which is here of noble width and depth, took us among the traditions of Turkish rule.
Here's my contribution:

Ĉapitro 1

La Ĵurnalo de Johano Harkero

Okay guys, there you go, good start right? That's as far as I got before realizing my abilities had been exhausted.

Anyone want to play along? Beyond simply presenting your translation, if you also want to present your reasoning for any translation decisions that were made, I think that would be excellent.

My thought her is that, as a team, the result could be refined until we've agreed upon a final translation and have produced a respectable effort.

sudanglo (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 10:22:38

I thought it might be interesting for us to translate the first paragraph. And by "we," I mean you, Here's my contribution: Ĉapitro 1 La Ĵurnalo de Johano Harkero
I think not. Let's see you do some work instead.

Translate this ( extracted from article in Monato)

Kredeble, unu el la plej mondkonataj protagonistoj de la makabra literaturo estas grafo Dracula (Drakulo). La romano, kiu portas kiel titolon la nomon de la terura grafo, apartenas al la ĝenro de verkaĵoj nomata „horor-literaturo”. Tiu ĝenro estis aparte populara en la 19a jarcento, precipe, sed ne ekskluzive, en angleparolantaj landoj.

Inter verkistoj, kiuj praktikis tian ĝenron, estis la anglino Mary Shelley [mejri ŝeli] (Frankenstein, 1818); la usonano Edgar Allan Poe [po] (La falo de la domo Usher, 1839/40); la skoto R. L. Stevenson [stivansan] (D-ro Jekyll kaj s-ro Hyde, 1886); la irlandano Oscar Wilde [oska ŭajld] (La portreto de Dorian Gray, 1890) ktp. Iom pli ol hodiaŭ, tia makabra ĝenro estis en la 19a jarcento rigardata kiel serioza literaturo.

La romano Dracula aŭ Drakulo unue aperis en 1897 kaj ekde tiam ĝi estis tradukita en multajn lingvojn. (Se versio ekzistas en Esperanto, mi ne sukcesis trovi ĝin.) Tamen, verŝajne Drakulo estas pli universale konata pro la diversaj filmoj bazitaj sur la fama rakonto. La arta kvalito de la plimulto de tiuj filmoj estas multe pli malsupera ol tiu de la romano mem, kaj kelkaj estas nura populara sensaciaĵo, sen arta valoro.

La romano rakontas la historion de la grafo Drakulo, ĉefo de la vampiroj, kiu loĝas en soleca kastelo en Transilvanio. La aŭtoro prunteprenis la titolon de sia libro de la nomo de iu Vlad Tepes, ankaŭ nomita „Dracula” kaj kromnomita „Vlad la Palisumanto”, 15-jarcenta princo de Valaĥio, fifama pro sadisma krueleco.

PrimeMinisterK (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 11:21:54

sudanglo:Let's see you do some work instead.

Translate this ( extracted from article in Monato)
No problem. I've found that that I'm fascinated with the idea of translation, so this will be fun.

Here's what I got. I think it's correct but there are a few questions I have about the grammar in the original:

Probably one of the most well-known protagonists throughout the world from macabre literature is Count Dracula. The novel, whose title carried the name of the dreadful Count, belonged to the genre of books known as "horror literature." This genre was particularly popular in the 19th century, especially, but not exclusively, in the English-speaking countries.

Among authors who wrote within the genre, were Mary Shelley of England (Frankenstein, 1818); the American Edgar Allan Poe (The Fall of the House of Usher, 1839/40); the Scotsman R. L. Stevenson (Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1886); Oscar Wilde of Ireland (The Portrait of Dorian Gray, 1890), and so on. Somewhat more than is true today, the macabre genre in the 19th century was regarded as serious literature.

The novel Dracula, or Drakulo, first appeared in 1897, and right from the start it was translated into many languages. (If a version exists in Esperanto, I have not been successful in finding it.) However, Dracula is probably the most universally known due to the various films that are based on the famous tale. The artistic quality of the majority of those films is greatly inferior to that of the book itself, and some are merely popular sensations without artistic value.

The book tells the history of the Count Dracula, master of the vampires, who lives in a solitary castle in Transylvania. The author borrowed the title of his book from the name of Vlad Tepes, also named "Dracula," and known also as "Vlad the Impaler," a 15th-century prince of Wallachia, infamous for sadistic cruelty.

sudanglo (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 12:48:03

Right. Reads well. Now without referring back to the extract from Monato translate your own version back into Esperanto

PrimeMinisterK (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 16:41:55

sudanglo:Right. Reads well. Now without referring back to the extract from Monato translate your own version back into Esperanto
Hmm. Okay, I'll try. Give me some time on that one.

Zam_franca (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 16:56:40

Nu... Sukceson.
Well... Good luck.

PrimeMinisterK (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 17:09:18

Zam_franca:Nu... Sukceson.
Well... Good luck.
Thanks. I believe that I will need it.

You don't want to take a crack at translating the Dracula excerpt in the OP?

Zam_franca (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 21:48:52

Probably one of the most well-known protagonists throughout the world from macabre literature is Count Dracula. The novel, whose title carried the name of the dreadful Count, belonged to the genre of books known as "horror literature." This genre was particularly popular in the 19th century, especially, but not exclusively, in the English-speaking countries.
Sendube unu el la plej konataj fikciuloj el sinistra literaturo tra la mondo estas Grafo Drakulo. La romano, kies titolo havis la nomon de horora Grafo, apartenis al la librospeco nomata "horora literaturo". Tiu librospeco estis speciale popolara en la 19a jarcento, ĉefe, sed ne sole, en la anglalingvaj landoj.

Koro_Kokoro (Profil anzeigen) 19. April 2020 22:27:04

Sendube unu el la plej konataj fikciuloj el sinistra literaturo tra la mondo estas Grafo Drakulo. La romano, kies titolo havis la nomon de horora Grafo, apartenis al la librospeco nomata "horora literaturo". Tiu librospeco estis speciale popolara en la 19a jarcento, ĉefe, sed ne sole, en la anglalingvaj landoj.
Tio ne estis ria peto. ;D

Mia traduko (plus malgranda ekspansio)


(Restigita en stenografio.)


PrimeMinisterK (Profil anzeigen) 20. April 2020 00:36:10

sudanglo:Right. Reads well. Now without referring back to the extract from Monato translate your own version back into Esperanto
Okay, here's what I got. I did not refer back to the Monato article. I did of course, however, use a dictionary and I also looked up the Esperanto names of the literary works referenced in the second paragraph:

Varŝajne unu de la plej konata protagonistoj rekte tra la mondo de makabra literaturo estas Grafo Drakulo. La romano, kies titolo portis la nomon de la terurega Grafo, apartenis al la ĝenro de libroj konata kiel "horora literaturo." Tiu ĝenro estis precipe populara en la 19th centjaro, precipe, sed ne ekskluzive, en la landoj de la angla lingvo.

Inter aŭturoj kiuj skribis interne la ĝenro, estis Mary Shelly de Anglio, (Frankenstejno, 1818); la Amerikano Edgar Allan Poe (La Falo de Uŝero-Domo, 1839/40); la Skoto R. L. Stevenson (Doktoro Jekyll kaj Sinjoro Hyde, 1886); Oscar Wilde de Irelando (La Portreto de Ora Griza, 1890), ktp. Iom pli ol estas vera hodiaŭ, la makabran ĝenron en la 19th centjaro rigardis kiel grava literaturo.

La romano Dracula, aŭ Drakulo, unue aperis en 1897, kaj ekde la komenco ĝi tradukis en multajn lingvojn. (Se versio ekzistas en Esperanto, mi ne havas sukceson por trovi ĝin.) Tamen, Drakulo verŝajne estas plej universale konata pro la diversaj filmoj ke estas bazita en la libro mem, kaj kelkaj estas nure popularaj sensacioj sen artista valoro.

La libro rakontas la historion de la Grafo Drakulo, estro de la vampiroj, kiu vivas en soleca kastelo en Transilvanio. La aŭtoro depruntis la titolon de lia libro de la nomo de Vlad Tepes, ankaŭ konata kiel "Vlad the Impaler," 15th centjara princo de Valakio, malglora por sadista krueleco.

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