Fairness In Native Esperanto Speakers?
от surfingnirvana, 29 сентября 2006 г.
Сообщений: 11
Язык: English
Serra (Показать профиль) 11 декабря 2006 г., 21:46:17
Dear friends:
I am really new in Esperanto (just 1 year)(with a break), but I speak three languages since my chilhood. I am from Barcelona (capital city of Catalunya, and part of Spain for the last 3 centuries) We speak (natively) Catalan, wich a complete diferent language. We learn to use also spanish, and sometimes English or French as addition.
The only confusion when I was a child, was with "friend" words, words very similar in Catalan and Spanish. No major problem with english. I think I been very lucky, and I will never negate an opportunity like that to a son. Sure, I will try Esperanto with him. If he don't like it, he can avoid use it.
I am really new in Esperanto (just 1 year)(with a break), but I speak three languages since my chilhood. I am from Barcelona (capital city of Catalunya, and part of Spain for the last 3 centuries) We speak (natively) Catalan, wich a complete diferent language. We learn to use also spanish, and sometimes English or French as addition.
The only confusion when I was a child, was with "friend" words, words very similar in Catalan and Spanish. No major problem with english. I think I been very lucky, and I will never negate an opportunity like that to a son. Sure, I will try Esperanto with him. If he don't like it, he can avoid use it.