
Esperanto and the OLPC


メッセージ: 2

言語: English

Fajro (プロフィールを表示) 2006年10月26日 5:40:40

Rope (プロフィールを表示) 2006年10月26日 7:34:35

Fajro:An interesting article:
Esperanto in the Children's Machine?

In Wikipedia: One Laptop_per Child

Digg it! rideto.gif
"An interesting article"

Ah, another one who thinks English will dominate all languages, I sometimes feel sorry that I am English.

Language use changes with the economy and global voice of the powers using it. It may well be Mandarin in a few years that has the loudest voice.

I do not yet speak Eo, but I can see and preach the benefits of it's use.

Maybe the author of the article was ridiculed when learning a language so all other languages are taboo. malgajo.gif
