
So I have this idea

DavidDeAngla, 2021年8月9日

讯息: 4

语言: English

DavidDeAngla (显示个人资料) 2021年8月9日上午9:23:24

So I once learned Esperanto with my cousins whilst I was visting.We got hang of the basics pretty well.I had to leave and left him isolated.2 years later when out of curiosity we tried speaking together in Esperanto and there version completly developed into some weird.It developed ig cases,as os is tense endings got mixed and depended on vowel length.This randomly popped into my head when I was scrolling through my documents.What should I do with it Would it be technically one of the first languages to naturally develop out of Esperanto?

Miland (显示个人资料) 2021年8月9日下午5:32:35

People have been trying to 'tinker' with Esperanto for 100 years. In brief: none of the attempts ever took off. If you are serious, try to learn Esperanto well from good books (or the courses on this website). In the UK Tim Owen has written two excellent books which I can recommend.

Myrinsk (显示个人资料) 2021年8月18日上午6:05:25

sounds more like a dialect

walfino (显示个人资料) 2021年10月3日上午8:50:30

Would it be technically one of the first languages to naturally develop out of Esperanto?
Erm, ne. Nature kreskitaj variaĵoj de Esperanto eble inkluzivas ri-ismo, Esperant' ktp.

Planoj por tute ŝanĝi la lingvon preskaŭ neniam sukcesos - jen Ido, ilia "Internaciona Renkontro" havas ĝenerale malpli ol 10 homoj.

Paroli normalan Esperanton kaj ĉiuj povas bone kompreni vin. Se vi miksas la finojn de la vortoj ktp, tio ŝajnas laŭ mi Esperantaĉo.
