Mesaĝoj: 15
Lingvo: English
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2022-junio-29 03:21:29
If someone were to to say, "La koncerto estos post du tagoj," does this mean that the concert is IN three days or AFTER three days? Like, if today is Monday, when is the concert?
Likewise, for "Post tri tagoj ni iros al Vaŝingtono."
If today is Monday, when are we going to Washington?
Metsis (Montri la profilon) 2022-junio-29 06:41:43
PMEG defines the temporal post with
PMEG:which I take to mean that it necessary that the given amount of time must have passed. Thereby
Plej ofte post montras tempon pli malfruan ol alia tempo.
● La koncerto estos post du tagoj.
means that the concert will be on thursday(*) if today is monday. I might be wrong here and I bet not all count the same way.
*: Technically thursday is the earliest possible, so the concert might be anytime after that, next week or next month, but people do not speak that way, rather the closest one is meant. Cf. if you have 105 euros, you do not say "I have over 10 euros", but "I have over hundred euros".
Altebrilas (Montri la profilon) 2022-junio-29 14:48:59
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2022-julio-02 07:54:55
Metsis:Nur miaj du spesoj…In the example I provided, it seems that if we're going with the textbook definition of "post," then Thursday would be correct. However, I can't seem to find it right now, but somewhere in La Teorio Nakamura it uses an example which seems to use "post" in the way that we might use "in." For instance, "The concert is in two days," which would make the concert on Wednesday.
Etc. . .
So this is confusing.
PrimeMinisterK (Montri la profilon) 2022-julio-02 07:58:15
Altebrilas:For me, post unu tago estas tomorrow, and "post neniu tago" may be today.So in the example "La koncerto estos post du tagoj," if today is Monday, would you understand the concert to be on Wednesday?
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2022-julio-02 11:31:28
In the same way, if today is Wednesday, li alvenos post du tagoj would mean that is expected to arrive on Friday.
I found this in the bible in Hoŝea (old testament)
1 Ni iru, ni revenu al la Eternulo; ĉar Li disŝiris, sed Li ankaŭ resanigos nin, Li frapis, kaj Li ankaŭ bandaĝos niajn vundojn. 2 Li revivigos nin post du tagoj; en la tria tago Li restarigos nin, kaj ni vivos antaŭ Li.
You could check this in your English version but the implication is clear
Metsis (Montri la profilon) 2022-julio-04 08:13:20
Altebrilas (Montri la profilon) 2022-julio-04 12:27:30
Trinku tiun kuracilon, kaj antaux tri tagoj, vi resanigxos.
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2022-julio-09 14:57:13
The meaning is clear. But I couldn't find any examples in the Tekstaro to support this usage.
All the examples there of antaŭ x tagoj seemed to be 'x days ago'.
On the other hand it is cumbersome to say antaŭ ol estos pasintaj tri tagoj or plie frue ol pasos tri tagoj
I found early usage of pli frue ol post
Altebrilas (Montri la profilon) 2022-julio-09 23:19:45
Btw, in "Zagreba Metodo", from which metodo 11 originates, the corresponding expression is "post unu semajno". Maybe the french doctors are more efficient than their croatian colleagues.