
Let's translate a story together

de PrimeMinisterK, 26 de enero de 2023

Aportes: 1

Idioma: Esperanto

PrimeMinisterK (Mostrar perfil) 26 de enero de 2023 03:42:31

So I ran across this website, which has a series of short stories with parallel texts in English and a number of different foreign languages:

Four of the stories have been translated into Esperanto, but that leaves several others that remain untranslated. Why don't you guys help me with the fifth? Here's the full text:

I figured I would try to translate three lines at a time and you guys can tell me all the ways I went wrong. Shall we begin?

(Note: The previous four translations do not Esperantize the names except when necessary to get them to conform to the Eo alphabet, so I will be following the established convention.

Also, if I'm totally lost and not sure what word to use or how to say something, I'm going to capitalize it and write it in English.)

"Daisy, it’s me - Ted," Detective-Inspector Singleton was telephoning his favourite private detective.

"Dejzi, estas mi -- Ted," Detectivo-Inspektoro Singaltono telefonis al sia plej ŝatata privata detektivo.

They had met on a case and ever since they had been going out together, when work permitted.

Ili konatiĝis dum laborinta pri CASE kaj de ĉi tiu tempo ili HAD BEEN GOING OUT TOGETHER, kiam la laboro permesita.

"How are you fixed for the next few days?"

Kiel estas via horaro dum sekvaj (venontaj?) malmultaj tagoj?

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