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North West Mettings?

fra Mart1986,2008 12 4

Meldinger: 4

Språk: English

Mart1986 (Å vise profilen) 2008 12 4 13:11:35

Saluton cxiuj,

In the little amount of free time I have, I've been learning Esperanto and it's a brilliant experience.

It occured to me that I'm not aware of any nearby meetings or events. I'm in the North West of England, Manchester area.

I think it would be really great if there were monthly meetings where fellow Esperantists could meet and practise Esperanto in-person. It could also provide opportunity for the more experienced speakers to help out or hold lessons for others.

There might even exist local meetings that I've not found in my searches - please correct me if you know of any.

What are everyone else's thoughts on this? Is anyone else in the NorthWest and interested in such meetings?


jan aleksan (Å vise profilen) 2008 12 4 13:40:59

Did you find this website ?

I'm not good in english geography. Is Manchester in South Lancashire?

Miland (Å vise profilen) 2008 12 4 14:44:18

Mart1986:I'm not aware of any nearby meetings or events. I'm in the North West of England, Manchester area.
I suggest you contact Esperanto House at Barlaston for such information. Here's the contact webpage.

There is a S. Lancashire group that has meetings in Southport and Preston. Here's the website.

Mart1986 (Å vise profilen) 2008 12 5 13:36:09

Multe dankon.

I hadn't come across this page but it's very exciting now I am aware of some nearby meetings.

Thanks again for the info.

Kind regards, Martin.

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