글: 3
언어: English
ceigered (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 16일 오전 11:11:12
I started communicating in this thread earlier on, but a few posts later I lost track of what was being said. I'd like to know the general gist of what's being said to see whether I'm on the right track. Here's the link:
It's under 'about other languages' under the topic 'Slava Interlingvao'.
I'm trying to figure out what some of the posts say so can you correct me?
My translation efforts:
If the link to the forum thread works, can someone sum up what is being said up until the 6th post? Any corrections to my translation would be appreciated, and any info on the usage of the Esperanto that is to be encountered in the thread in question would also be appreciated!
P.S. yes I am the second poster, so you probably don't need to explain what I wrote ha ha.
It's under 'about other languages' under the topic 'Slava Interlingvao'.
I'm trying to figure out what some of the posts say so can you correct me?
My translation efforts:
So I take it that this chap is saying that Slovianski is made out of natural Slavic languages?Miopinie, Slovianskio estas tia lingvo, kiu "kaŝas" en ĉiuj slavaj lingvoj, kaj oni nur devas malkovri ĝin. Onidire, Slovianskio estas "slava Interlingvao", sed estas iuj distingoj.In my opinion, Slovianski is such a language which "hides" within all slavic languages, and you only have to discover it. It's said, Slovianski is a slavic interlingua, but it is something different.
Unue, slavaj lingvoj estas pli proksimaj inter si ol tiuj lingvoj el kiuj Interlingvao estis farita.
Due, kvankam estas iniciinto del projekto, Jan van Steenbergen, kiu donis unuaj ideoj kaj skribis unuaj tekstoj kaj gramatiko, sed fakte plejparte Slovianskio estas kolektiva projekto, nuntempe ĝi evoluas preskaŭ nature. Iu ajn povas influi ĝin nuntempe, sed en tre malvastaj limoj. Tiuj limoj estas ekzistaj slavaj lingvoj. Neniu povas elpensi ion neekzistan en slavaj lingvoj ekzistantaj.
Kreado de Slovianskio estas ia esplorado, sed tute ne elpensado.
Firstly, Slavic languages are closer between themselves than other languages of which Interlingua is derived from.
Secondly, although it started as a project by Jan van Steenbergen, who gave the initial ideas and wrote the initial texts and grammar, but actually mostly Slovianski is a collaborative project, currently it evolves nearly naturally. Someone can influence it nowadays, but with little leeway. Those limits are the existing slavic languages. Nobody can invent something nonexistant in existing slavic languages.
The creation of Slovianski is something of exploration, but completely not invented.
If the link to the forum thread works, can someone sum up what is being said up until the 6th post? Any corrections to my translation would be appreciated, and any info on the usage of the Esperanto that is to be encountered in the thread in question would also be appreciated!
P.S. yes I am the second poster, so you probably don't need to explain what I wrote ha ha.
Rogir (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 16일 오후 3:01:50
I think it would be better for all of you to simply read the original thread and try your best to read it. It's not an extremely important topic, and you're all here to learn Esperanto, so this would be a good opportunity.