
"on behalf of"

글쓴이: Timtim, 2008년 12월 21일

글: 8

언어: English

Timtim (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 21일 오후 12:47:51

Saluton al ĉiuj!

Ĉu iu kapablas pensi kiel diri Esperante ekvivalenton al la angla "on behalf of"?

Ekzemple, estas tre nature en la angla diri "I'm writing to you on behalf of John Smith."

Ĉu ekzistas laŭ la ĉi-tieaj forumanoj konkreta esprimo por diri tion en Esperanto, aŭ ĉu restas por ni nur proksimumaĵoj kiel "Laŭ peto de John mi skribas al vi" aŭ "Mi skribas al vi nome de X"?

Ŝajnas al mi, ke mi plejeble jam respondis al mia propria demando, tamen mi bonvenigas sugestojn ĉiuokaze.



Miland (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 21일 오후 12:59:41

This is the English-speaking forum. Please provide an English translation with any Esperanto texts, so that beginners will understand what is being written.

The Wells dictionary translates 'on behalf of' as en la nomo de. Benson (CEED) also has nome de and por.

PIV 2005 supports the first two, but not the third. Possibly such a use of por is an informal and less established usage, if not an anglicism.

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 21일 오후 1:05:20

Eble 'pro', ekz. "Mi skribas pro Sro Appleyard"?
Possible 'for', for example, "I'm writing for Mr Appleyard"?

Ĉu vi povas bonvoli skribi en la Angla?
Can you please write in English?


Timtim (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 21일 오후 1:16:44


I put it in the English forum because I was using a sentence in that language as my reference.

Only people capable of reading in Esperanto would be able of answering the question satisfactorily, so I see no harm in pandering to others. My decision to write in Esperanto is reinforced because I know that non-native English-speakers also peruse this forum.

Forget it. Like I said, I answered my own question anyway. I've got better things to do than receive pedantic lectures.

danielcg (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 21일 오후 1:36:52


In my opinion, your response to Miland is much more pedantic than his "lecture", which only repeats a rule of this forum.

Not every user of this site speaks in Esperanto. There are people who visit this page to learn ABOUT the language, in order to decide whether they want to learn it. But every user who visits a forum in a national language, deserves to find in it messages in that language.

I myself am one of those non-native English-speakers who peruse this forum. But if you were thinking of me, why didn't you write in Spanish then? okulumo.gif




I put it in the English forum because I was using a sentence in that language as my reference.

Only people capable of reading in Esperanto would be able of answering the question satisfactorily, so I see no harm in pandering to others. My decision to write in Esperanto is reinforced because I know that non-native English-speakers also peruse this forum.

Forget it. Like I said, I answered my own question anyway. I've got better things to do than receive pedantic lectures.

Miland (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 21일 오후 1:40:21


I put it in the English forum because I was using a sentence in that language as my reference.

Only people capable of reading in Esperanto would be able of answering the question satisfactorily, so I see no harm in pandering to others. My decision to write in Esperanto is reinforced because I know that non-native English-speakers also peruse this forum.

Forget it. Like I said, I answered my own question anyway. I've got better things to do than receive pedantic lectures.
Your words are now on record. As some people may find this exchange of interest, I will email the webpage of this discussion to them.

erinja (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 21일 오후 2:09:14

The non-Esperanto forums are not intended for discussion about those languages, but in those languages. It's clearly written on the topic page, in the descriptions of the forums. The national language forums are for discussion IN English, Hungarian, Japanese, etc.

This has perhaps been beaten to death by now but I want to mention that writing in English isn't pandering here. We are all here to learn together, and national language forums are heavier on the beginners than the Esperanto language ones. It's true that the experienced Esperanto speakers would be best able to answer your question, but everyone can benefit from the answer, regardless of whether or not they are at a high enough Esperanto level to understand the question.

At lernu we pride ourselves on the polite level of discussion on our forums; let's keep it that way, folks.


ceigered, I wouldn't use "pro" in this case. It would come out saying "I am writing because of Mr Whatever" (that is, perhaps he did something and that's prompting me to write; it's not quite the same as writing on his behalf)

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2008년 12월 21일 오후 2:19:56

erinja:ceigered, I wouldn't use "pro" in this case. It would come out saying "I am writing because of Mr Whatever" (that is, perhaps he did something and that's prompting me to write; it's not quite the same as writing on his behalf)
Ah cheers Erinja, I better not every say that in conversation then :S

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