Berichten: 10
Taal: English
Momomomomo (Profiel tonen) 23 december 2008 13:32:51
How on earth did this happen? Volapük has 9320 more articles than us! I thought no one even spoke that anymore.
ceigered (Profiel tonen) 23 december 2008 14:25:35
How on earth did this happen? Volapük has 9320 more articles than us! I thought no one even spoke that anymore.
Basically the most part of the articles were initially generated by bots and have had some small amount of people working ever since. Volapük is spoken, but by (as you can imagine) a small amount of people - trouble is, wikipedia says on its volapük article that only about 20-30 people speak it, but in reality it would be much more (at least 100+). The only two speakers I have heard in real life though were on a British interview (with bulgarian subtitles) and the only spoken Volapük I heard was a poem about volapük (the author of which was very proud of himself for reciting it clearly, not that anyone really cared

So I guess you could say the number of articles to the number of speakers is dispronportionate, apparently it was a stunt to get people re-interested in the language (not really a bad idea, kinda smart in a way, but many seem to see this as 'advertising' as if Volapük is some form of retail giant).
ceigered (Profiel tonen) 23 december 2008 14:25:36
Oŝo-Jabe (Profiel tonen) 23 december 2008 16:58:03
Of course, statistics can be made to say almost anything...
danielcg (Profiel tonen) 23 december 2008 22:59:53
Of course, statistics can be made to say almost anything...
ceigered (Profiel tonen) 24 december 2008 05:25:23
danielcg:Statistics are like thongs: they show almost everything, yet they hide the most interesting.Ha ha! In Australia that wouldn't make any sense
Of course, statistics can be made to say almost anything...

EL_NEBULOSO (Profiel tonen) 24 december 2008 08:02:57
the issue of the vast Volapük Wikipedia was discussed before (I also wondered about it), they have some kind of a program that generates new articles e.g. description of a city. You just put in some values (number of inhabitants, area, mayor) and the program puts these things in the right context and creates a new article...
Therefore, one person who works a lot on writing the articles can create thousands or tens of thousands of them.
hiyayaywhopee (Profiel tonen) 24 december 2008 18:20:32
Oŝo-Jabe (Profiel tonen) 24 december 2008 19:10:27
hiyayaywhopee:Just to play devil's advocate, the Espranto wikipedia also has a disproportionate share of bot articles, though it isn't nearly as bad as Volapük's.If my results from hitting the 'hazarda pagxo' (and Pad fädik) button are correct. Then 2 out of 10 of the Esperanto Wikipedia are bot articles, versus 10 out of 10 being bot articles on Volapük Wikipedia. (However a larger sample size would probably be desirable for better results.)
enwilson (Profiel tonen) 24 december 2008 20:48:49
Oŝo-Jabe:If my results from hitting the 'hazarda pagxo' (and Pad fädik) button are correct. Then 2 out of 10 of the Esperanto Wikipedia are bot articles, versus 10 out of 10 being bot articles on Volapük Wikipedia. (However a larger sample size would probably be desirable for better results.)One estimate says that one bot is responsible for over 3/4ths of the wiki's content. The current article says that of the 110,000+ articles on Vükiped, 106,000 pages are (mostly bot) articles about cities. Ho ve...
The long and the short of it is that most Wikipedia bots are made to seed the content of a given Wikipedia. The bot on Vükiped was designed to seed the language. Interesting stunt, but I don't think it drew right type of attention.