Al la enhavo

I really hate the english langauge

de alexbeard, 2009-januaro-11

Mesaĝoj: 42

Lingvo: English

69UM24OSU12 (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-17 23:10:37

enwilson:I can kind of see Alex's point, but we've gone too far in the other direction to go back now. It'd be easier to revoke "party" as a verb...
Nah. just need to get people to start using "Quakerese": "thee" used with the he/she/it form of the verb.

I used it when I was an Old Order Brethren church, but not so much now since I left. Maybe I'll start it up again.
Maybe it sounds like a good idea to have a singular "you" but it's just not practical. Go ahead-- greet someone by saying "How art thou today?" (or in the Quaker style "How is thee today?") While you're at it, why not slip "lo" or "forsooth" into the conversation a couple times? No one will take you seriously.

qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-21 00:08:24

I wouldn't say that I hate English. But sometimes the correct pronouncation drives me crazy. I.e. chat and shed. You have to learn the pronouncation for nearly every new vocabulary. So, the first thing I mentioned as I started learning Esperanto was the very clear pronouncation. Okay. You can hear the native speaker sound i.e. of a German or Polish esperanto speaker. But esperanto seems to be quite good immune against uncorrect pronouncation/ dialect(?). For important (business) communication you need a clear language and not a mumble risky language. It's not still an matter of the English language.


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