Mesaĝoj: 21
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-20 06:06:10
aaronalbrecht2:Also, If you are interested in translating you could help translate Facebook. I'm always finding errors in the facebook Esperanto translation. It would be easier than wikipedia.I've actually got the 'Translation' Application so I'll try and figure out what's up at the moment.
Speaking of which, can 'info' be translated directly as 'info' or does Esperanto rely on the full 'informo'? I haven't heard about any other language using 'info' before, but at the same time I would imagine it would be fairly recognisable (and considering how likely 'info' manifested many varieties of English separately, it wouldn't surprise me if another language did the same thing).
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-21 20:23:56
It is rare for Esperanto to shorten words; I can think of only a few examples. Unless you actually see a shortened form of a word in widespread use, please use the full form. It will come with experience, knowing which words are ok to shorten and which aren't.
You might enjoy this (written in English) study of the phenomenon:
Here's a brief guide of some common ones:
fotografi => foti (to photograph; and also "fotilo" is the usual word for camera, and, "foto" is the usual word for photo, although "fotografaĵo" also means photograph, and "fotografilo" also means camera, and both of these are ok, although they have been largely replaced by their shorter versions)
distanca => dista (far, distant)
pneŭmatiko => pneŭo (tire/tyre)
aŭtomobilo => aŭto (car)
aviadilo => avio (airplane)
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-22 05:05:35
I thought that a colloquial variant of Esperanto would be around with 1000 native speakers or so.
So would the phrase 'mi ne devas doni tiujn cxi informojn al vi' be correct in saying 'I can't give you this information'?
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-22 12:53:48
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-22 16:13:54
ceigered:Tre interesa, ErinjaNo, it means "I don't have to give you this information". "I can't" would be "mi ne povas" rather than "mi ne devas".
I thought that a colloquial variant of Esperanto would be around with 1000 native speakers or so.
So would the phrase 'mi ne devas doni tiujn cxi informojn al vi' be correct in saying 'I can't give you this information'?
Note that the colloquial variant of Esperanto differs much less from written "official" Esperanto, than colloquial variants of other languages. Esperantists tend to care about grammatical correctness a lot more than speakers of other languages, and this shows in how we speak, even colloquially.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-22 16:26:20
Silly mistake on my behalf

jchthys (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-22 17:57:10
Btw, I also have written a couple articles in Esperanto at I wouldn't mind if someone corrected any mistakes that might be there.
Oŝo-Jabe (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-24 01:52:33
jchthys:And of course there's Google In Your Language to translate, as well as open source applications such as run on Linux.Isn't there already a Esperanto Google ( Personally as far as search engines go, I like (which uses Google) for Esperanto searches because it has a ton of useful options.
Ludrecenza Vikio:Uzo de 评论 por 'recenzo'According to Lernu: 评论 = komentarii, komenti. For recenzo, it has: 評論/评论, 書評/书评
Cxu 评论 estas 'recenzo' en Esperanto?
Dankon por helpo.
The accusative is missing in one of your sentences. My changes in bold:
Ludrecenza Vikio:La ludo estas pafludo, kaj havas estontecan okazejon, kiam homoj koloniigis en la kosmo, kaj havas du partiojn: La ISA (International Strategic Arms - Internaci-strategi-armiloj) kaj la adversuloj, la Helghast (de la planedo Helghan).
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-24 02:58:49
I don't know about the root advers/; it wasn't in the dictionary I checked, it might be in a larger dictionary, but in any case it isn't common. I can see the obvious derivation from English so I understand the meaning personally. But I would say "kontraŭuloj" (opponents).
There is nothing grammatically wrong with Internaci-strategi-armiloj, but Esperanto tends not to go for very long compound words (unlike German). I suggest Internaciaj Strategiaj Armiloj.
Helghast - is that plural or singular? If it is people, then it is probably plural (like saying "the French", which is plural without being obviously so). If it is plural, then it should not be "la Helghast, kiu invadis", but "la Helghast, kiuj invadis"
la ISA estas plezure perludi
I don't really like the word "perludi". The meaning of the word is not really clear (to play by means of?). I am honestly not even 100% sure about what you wanted to say, whether you meant that it's fun to play with the game in general, or whether it's fun to play a certain role in the game. Plus the word order is strange in Esperanto; it sounds directly translated from English.
Or perhaps, this is my second thought, when you said that the game has two "partioj", does that mean that the player can choose which side to play? The word in itself doesn't convey that meaning, it only occurred to me after reading the review and thinking about it a while. When I originally read it, I simply assumed that you meant that the plot of the game has two main groups, and not necessarily that you could choose which side to play. Maybe this is clear to people who play these sorts of games; I don't, so it's not clear to me.
I would say Estas plezure ludi en la rolo de la ISA (It is a pleasure to play in the role of the ISA), to make the meaning clear. In the case that you can choose to play either side, you might want to say something about, "la ludo havas du partiojn [information about them here]", and then something about "La ludanto povas elekti ĉu ludi kiel la ISA aŭ kiel la Helghast"
La grafikefektoj estas tre bona should be La grafikefektoj estas tre bonaj
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-24 04:21:10

I wasn't aware of my '-n' dropping, I seem to make that mistake a lot with 'havas' for some strange reason.
And "partioj" is probably OK as is because in the series they can be played in some occasions, so I feel that it's best left ambiguous. Maybe 'ludebla' could be used to further define the playable sides?
"Estas plezure ludi en la rolo de la ISA" is nice, I might use/adapt that. It looks like directly translating English phrases into Esperanto might be a bit complicated for me at the moment.
I'm going to go and fix that review up now.