Mesaĝoj: 11
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-januaro-26 15:58:13
Love money etc aside (although it's actually becoming quite an interesting discussion) I have to agree with RiotNrrd.
Anyway this could go even further into things like sub-cultures and the way language is used in different groups in society. Are people who swear all the time necessarily the cultureless people that mother told you they were so you wouldn't swear? Are the cultures of people who speak other languages all that mysterious and exclusive?
And then we have culture blending, like going into the Central Business District in Adelaide, finding the dominating China town and having lunch with just happens to be curry roo, and then eating it with your Vietnamese, New Zealander, English and German friends... The culture mix can be quite interesting (note this is coming from a place which is roughly 70% Anglo-Celtic). In this case language bridges across cultures (similar to something RiotNrrd was saying).
Anyway this could go even further into things like sub-cultures and the way language is used in different groups in society. Are people who swear all the time necessarily the cultureless people that mother told you they were so you wouldn't swear? Are the cultures of people who speak other languages all that mysterious and exclusive?
And then we have culture blending, like going into the Central Business District in Adelaide, finding the dominating China town and having lunch with just happens to be curry roo, and then eating it with your Vietnamese, New Zealander, English and German friends... The culture mix can be quite interesting (note this is coming from a place which is roughly 70% Anglo-Celtic). In this case language bridges across cultures (similar to something RiotNrrd was saying).
Miland:Just this lunchtime I was in a restaurant and overheard one of two young women at the next table talk about a break-up that she had experienced. Of course I concentrated my gaze on my Esperanto book, but couldn't help hearing her fascinating talk. I'm sure they were glad that their money didn't fade away when paying for their lunch.Generally my money fades away when I pay for things