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Incubus: your review

de Miland, 2009-februaro-06

Mesaĝoj: 12

Lingvo: English

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-06 18:43:33

I've had this film for years but finally decided to see it today. My initial reaction was that it was not much better than Plan 9 from Outer Space. But after viewing the extras, including an interview with the makers, I felt a bit better. This is a rare film thanks to the original prints having been destroyed accidentally - but one copy with French subtitles survived, and this restored film has therefore reappeared after three decades, now with the option to have English subtitles - but the subtitles cannot be eliminated.
It's a horror film about good vs evil, humans battling against demons. A number of misfortunes befell the people involved in making the film, which gave rise to the idea of the film having a 'curse'. Here are more details.
Apparently Shatner liked the script originally. I regret to say that the spoken Esperanto, IMHO is not particularly good, although Shatner's is not as bad as I think I read elsewhere. It is one of very few Esperanto films of any length, and so liable to be considered worthy of preservation as part of Esperanto culture. The DVD also has commentaries by Shatner and the film's makers. See it for yourself and decide whether you like it.

EL_NEBULOSO (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-07 16:58:02


I actually like the movie, I bought the DVD nearly 2 years ago and have watched in several times.

The Esperanto sounds a bit like with a French accent, I made me think that maybe some people think foreign languages should be pronounced with a French accent. rideto.gif

Anyway, most reviews about the film are rather critical.


vejktoro (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-08 20:53:36

Yes, the Esperanto was not always the best, and the poor hero fell desperately in love in about two seconds... I`m a softy for a pretty face myself, but nobody`s that bad.

Campy. Goofy. Over-the-top.


In a very theatrical way. Themes, concepts and ideas were presented in a way (I think) that would allow an audience to get it even without language. In the way the ancient myths are told. That`s why it was possible in a tongue that very few understand.

Interesting experiment. Worth watching.

russ (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-09 11:57:09

It's hard to answer. The quality of the Esperanto is rather terrible (both grammatically and pronunciation-wise). But aside from that, it's an interesting arty/experimental sort of horror film which I enjoyed OK.

Donniedillon (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-09 18:00:30

The movie was actually better than I expected. That being said I am big fan of campy B horror movies AND William Shatner. I suppose I am not proficient enough to speak the the quality of the Esperanto. All things considered it is definitely Shat-tastic.

Lunombrulino (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-09 18:31:50

This was the first film in a non-English language in which I could both understand the spoken part and read the subtitles. I found myself yelling at the film, "That's *NOT* what he said!!"

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-10 04:18:58

I can't help but wonder whether that's a positive or negative attribute lango.gif

Senlando (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-10 20:01:07

I wish the movie came with Esperanto subtitles, or no subtitles at all, but i think the English subtitles are locked into the movie, or at least the copy i watched.

I personally consider the movie a classic despite how terribly hard it may be to sit through and watch. (just like many other classics!)

I only wish someone would make a real good Esperanto movie. it doesn't have to be high budget, it just has to have a good setting, decent actors, and a good plot. (easier said then done?) anyone here in the film industry? haha.

Miland (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-10 20:38:19

Senlando:I only wish someone would make a real good Esperanto movie..
Actually, the second offering from Imagu (the makers of Gerda Malaperis), La Patro, is not at all bad, though at 40 minutes it falls between shorts and feature films. I liked Gerda myself, even though it was made for beginners.

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-februaro-11 01:24:49

I fell asleep during La Patro. Those who know me well know that I am inclined to fall asleep during movies, but in the case of La Patro, it was intentional. I was bored, I knew it was going to be a late night, so I made a conscious decision to sleep through it, to allow me to stay up later. It just didn't hold my attention.

Gerda would have been better with better production values; it was very clearly low-budget.

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