Al contingut

Tielas Vivo

de Frakseno, 18 de febrer de 2009

Missatges: 19

Llengua: English

Frakseno (Mostra el perfil) 18 de febrer de 2009 17.44.40

Saluton ĉiu! (ĉiuj?)
Hello everyone!

The most recent album by Kore is entitled "Tielas Vivo."

While I think I understand the basic meaning, I think I need to have the specific language usage in the title explained to me. Not just the meaning explained, but the usage, construction, and grammatical rules in effect.

It is likely a limitation of my own, with English as my native language, that I have so much trouble with how easily and frequently words get "verbed" in Esperanto. I assume that is what is happening in the album title, and it throws me. I know it's only two words, but chalk it up to my sometimes fuzzy thinking. demando.gif

jan aleksan (Mostra el perfil) 18 de febrer de 2009 18.29.37

Frakseno:Saluton ĉiu! (ĉiuj?)
Hello everyone!

The most recent album by Kore is entitled "Tielas Vivo."

Well, first, we can seriously wonder if that construction is correct. I think it's one of the "unofficials", something esperantists can understand, but that you don't find in the basic rules.

For me, "Tielas" would simply mean, "fari tiel": to make smthg in that way. We can see that the -n is missing, so "vivo" is the subject. So, it's life that makes [smthg] in that way. But I assume that tielas is transitive... If it's intransitive, then we could translate it as "life becomes in that way". Is it more clear? For me... not really ridulo.gif.

hmmm, now, to get more clues, I think you've got to buy the CD and listen to the songs lango.gif


jchthys (Mostra el perfil) 18 de febrer de 2009 18.43.53

I believe it means "that's how life is".

Frakseno (Mostra el perfil) 18 de febrer de 2009 18.51.03

jan aleksan:
hmmm, now, to get more clues, I think you've got to buy the CD and listen to the songs lango.gif

I bought it, and it's quite a good pop album!

Tielas vivo! ekvivas nia ido, en sia krizalido,
Permane lin renkontis mi,
ĉion de ni ellernis li - nur per kareso.

a lovely song

Frakseno (Mostra el perfil) 18 de febrer de 2009 19.11.01

jchthys:I believe it means "that's how life is".
That's the meaning I took from it. I just need to figure out how/why it's constructed that way.

"Tielas" seems to be a "verbed" form of "Tiel" which means "in that manner."

So it seems, literally at least, to mean "Life in that mannering."

Perhaps "Life Thus-ing" (or "Life Being Thus")?

Miland (Mostra el perfil) 18 de febrer de 2009 19.29.00

One way to look at it is, firstly, to remember the flexible word order, so it's the same as Vivo tielas.
Then, with any Esperanto root X', if we want to say estas X-a, we can instead simple say X-as. For example La ĉielo estas blua is the same as La ĉielo bluas.
Therefore, similarly, Vivo tielas or Tielas Vivo is probably best interpreted as Vivo estas tiel.

However I should say that I regard this as an unusual use of tiel, if not unorthodox. For related material see PMEG (last para, Vortfarado).

jan aleksan (Mostra el perfil) 18 de febrer de 2009 19.54.27

jchthys:I believe it means "that's how life is".
humm... you're right. It seems to fit better.

erikano (Mostra el perfil) 20 de febrer de 2009 23.18.17

jan aleksan:
Frakseno:The most recent album by Kore is entitled "Tielas Vivo."
So, it's life that makes [smthg] in that way. But I assume that tielas is transitive... If it's intransitive, then we could translate it as "life becomes in that way". Is it more clear? For me... not really ridulo.gif.
Jan, (I'm trying to write in english, exceptionnaly, this evening !! Hard for me, even with a dictionnary ! lango.gif )...
... don't you think it's more simple :

With "Tielas vivo", Kore wants to say :

"Life is like that ! "

... or maybe, approximately the shorter expression : "THAT'S LIFE !"

... Or in FRENCH :" C'EST LA VIE ! "

I think verb+"AS" = ESTAS + Noun (or any word / substantive, ...)

Other exemple :

- "Mi aĝas 37 jaron" means "I'm 37 years old...

- "Mi kunas mian fraton" = " I'm with my brother"

... And I don't think anything is "unofficial" : There is no "official" way to construct new words, except the "FUNDAMENTO" rules ;
I think The only "official" thing in esperanto is the Esperanto Academy's dictionnary... with only "part of words" (radicals ?) !(I don't know the english word for "racines de mots" in french, sorry..... and sorry for my english : I learnt it only 10 years rido.gif shoko.gif ! Never enough !)

Amike al ciuj !

Frankouche (Mostra el perfil) 21 de febrer de 2009 0.56.19

Ankaŭ, tiuj estas la lastaj paroloj de "Ned Kelly", fama bandito kaj heroo de Aŭstralio, ĵus kiam li estis ekzekutita. Estas kinaĵo pri li.

jchthys (Mostra el perfil) 21 de febrer de 2009 3.03.04

Frankouche:Ankaŭ, tiuj estas la lastaj paroloj de "Ned Kelly", fama bandito kaj heroo de Aŭstralio, ĵus kiam li estis ekzekutita. Estas kinaĵo pri li.
Since this is the English forum, one ought to translate one's Esperanto, but I'll be nice and do it for you this time:

Also. these are the last words of "Ned Kelly", a famous Australian bandit and hero (!), just when he was excuted. There is a movie about it.

Although I doubt he said it in eo!

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