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Ĉu ne estas "yeah"?

از sotobleat, 2 مارس 2009

پست‌ها: 4

زبان: Esperanto

sotobleat (نمایش مشخصات) 2 مارس 2009،‏ 0:13:08

Apologies for writing angle instead of esperante.
In most languages, the words that mean "yes" or "no" are short because of their frequent use. To affirm something in spanish or italian, one uses the word "si." "Oui," is used in french. "Ja" is used in german etc.
A few months ago, I started feeling inclined to use oui, si and да instead of yes. The reason for this seems to be that those words are easier to say because they end in vowels. If that theory holds any water, it might be the cause of the english words "yeah" and "aye."
Is there such and alternative to "jes" in esperanto?

RiotNrrd (نمایش مشخصات) 2 مارس 2009،‏ 1:52:35



(Please write only in Esperanto, here. There is an English language forum for questions in English.)
(Bonvolu skribi nur Esperante, ĉi tie. Estas anglalingva forumo por demandoj en la angla).

jan aleksan (نمایش مشخصات) 2 مارس 2009،‏ 9:33:41

En esperanto, estas ankaŭ la vorto "ja". "jes ja" signifas "yeah, sure!", and is used for "non refutable truth".

sed "ja" sole ne signifas "yes", but "sure", "indeed".

jchthys (نمایش مشخصات) 2 مارس 2009،‏ 15:36:13

Sed mi pensas, ke se oni parolas kun samlingvulo, oni povas uzi alian vorton kaj kompreni unu la alian (ekz. "da" se ili estas rusoj).

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