Al la enhavo

Become a lernu! translator!

de erinja, 2009-marto-18

Mesaĝoj: 22

Lingvo: English

darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-19 19:29:02

erinja:And anyone else who speaks another language, feel free to translate it.
Done for German:

BTW, how much of German (site/dictionary) is translated?

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-19 21:12:25

darkweasel:BTW, how much of German (site/dictionary) is translated?
These are the statistics for German:
Site: 99,8 %
Dictionary: 38,5 %
Surveys: 99 %
Word learning: 95 %
Front-page news: 40,5 % [this is not necessarily bad because many of these news items will be old, and won't be seen by anyone anyway]
Newsletters: 100,0 %

So German is in very good shape! But the dictionary could still use some work, probably. Also, one thing that would really help with German, would be if you looked at the pictures on the picture dictionary, next to the German translations, to make sure the translations are accurate.

ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-19 21:50:31

ceigered:Ah so in the event that we do give erroneous translations, someone will likely cover for us? Oh well, I'll give it a go. Although my email to "teamo [@]" will likely be bilingual because my Esperanto is still getting there.

Er, btw, I'm using these instructions here:, should that be fine?
I would advise not adding a dictionary entry at all, if you are not sure if it's correct, simply because the dictionary is so big, and it's hard to find mistakes. As far as the site itself, and the word learning lists, accuracy is slightly less important because these things are easily visible to all, and mistakes can be found and corrected easily. I think you should be able to go a long way simply with a good Spanish dictionary, as far as dictionary translation is concerned.

The instructions that you cite are fine.
Once I remember another admin worrying about hitting "edit" instead of "reply" - lucky I realised that before I "replied" to your message Erinja lango.gif

Back with what I was meant to reply with - a big thank you for that advice, I will take it with heed and probably wait until I get a good authoritative Spanish dictionary.

I wonder if there are any specific policies concerning creating definitions for regional colloquialisms, e.g. infamous example being "bloody" - would not adding an entry (like you suggested about uncertain definitons) be better, at least in the meantime?

henma (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-19 23:17:09

ceigered:Back with what I was meant to reply with - a big thank you for that advice, I will take it with heed and probably wait until I get a good authoritative Spanish dictionary.
Why an authoritative Spanish dictionary?

I think I'm missing something here... okulumo.gif

[EDIT: I reread the whole thread and understood why... rideto.gif, if you have doubts with your Spanish you can ask.]

By the way, it's really important to check the link before editing instead of replying... I'll have to get used to that new option being there rideto.gif



ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-20 07:08:27

Yeah this is starting to remind my of university orientation week - and sorry henma for the ambiguity rideto.gif

1Guy1 (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-21 13:41:01

@ Erijna or anyone who can help please

I am using the pdf downloads & I have come across one or two small misprints etc.

For example, in the concise Grammar the section on Correlatives mentions the -e ending but misses out the derived forms (kie, tie ..) Also there was text missing from the Ana Pana pdf that was in the mp3.

I am very happy to document anything I find & report it if it would help Lernu, in fact it could be a nice way to say 'thank you' for such a great resource.

Sorry if this should have been a separate post.


erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-21 14:45:04

The problems in our PDFs are deep. The lernu team has been talking about redoing all of the PDFs, because there are many errors, not just the things you mention.

Actually, if someone wants to volunteer to help with redoing the PDFs, that would be great. I recall that someone previously created an automatic way to do it, and that's where our current documents come from. They are based on a slightly older version of the site, which is why the text doesn't always match the mp3 - we have made a few changes.

Dominique (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-21 22:16:39

erinja:(only about 30% of the dictionary is translated into English)
We have useful statistics regarding how many words are translated in the eo→* dictionaries (eo→fr, eo→en, eo→de, etc.) but we have no statistics as far as I know for the reverse dictionaries *→eo (fr→eo, en→eo, etc).

I think that statistics for the reverse dictionaries would be very useful. I'm already a "vortaristo" myself and added many words to the eo→fr dictionary mostly. I added far less to the reverse dictionary fr→eo. When I add words, I find it rewarding to see the stats jumped by say 0.2%. It gives feedback on how much we did. But there is no such thing for the reverse dictionaries. It makes it less appealing to work on the reverse dictionaries. I suspect that the reverse dictionaries *→eo have far less entries than the eo→* dictionaries for that reason.

What statistics should be used?

The stats for the eo→* dictionaries are in term of percentage of Esperanto words translated. What should be the stats for the reverse dictionary *→eo? I don't think that using the number of words in the national language is right. It's dubious to compare the number of words in different languages. But what about comparing the number of Esperanto words that have a translation in the *→eo dictionaries? Whatever we choose should be better than no statistics.

Having said that, aiming for increasing the percentage of translated words alone should not be an aim in itself. We should aim for quality but that's harder to measure. There are many dubious words in the eo→* dictionary which I did not think were worth translating into French. I'm glad when the percentage of translated words increases, but not at the cost of translating dubious words.

I would also like to have the ability to flag words which exist in well known dictionaries. For example, how about flagging words which are listed in PIV? and show a small PIV icon next to the word. This can probably easily be automated since the list of words in PIV is available.

The eo→* and *→eo dictionaries are also completely separated. When I translate the word aboco→alphabet in the eo→fr dictionary for example, I would find it nice to be able to see automatically and immediately what is the content in the reverse dictionary fr→eo for these words ([fr] alphabet and aboco). It would make it easier to update the reverse dictionary. Something like this could also help to boost the number of words in the reverse *→eo dictionaries.<br />
<br />
Indicating whether Esperanto verbs are transitive or intransitive should be high on the list of wanted features.
I just searched for the word "ŝanĝi" in the dictionaries eoeo and eoen and saw no indication as to whether this verb is transitive or not. ReVo on the other hand clearly indicates it: "ŝanĝi (tr)".

jchthys (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-22 00:34:18

erinja:The problems in our PDFs are deep. The lernu team has been talking about redoing all of the PDFs, because there are many errors, not just the things you mention.

Actually, if someone wants to volunteer to help with redoing the PDFs, that would be great. I recall that someone previously created an automatic way to do it, and that's where our current documents come from. They are based on a slightly older version of the site, which is why the text doesn't always match the mp3 - we have made a few changes.
I would help doing the PDFs, particularly the simple grammars. How should I go about that, and what are the guidelines (for example, does layout matter, and does it need to be attractively in colour or can it be black and white)?

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-marto-22 00:46:19

To you, Dominique, I suggest contacting Bertilo Wennergren, who did most of our dictionary programming. He can probably tell you whether the kinds of changes you suggest are easily implemented or not, with however the dictionary is put together. That's

Jchthys, e-mail and we'll see what we can do to get you started on PDFs.

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