Al contingut

Learning Esperanto... By accident

de ceigered, 23 de març de 2009

Missatges: 18

Llengua: English

ceigered (Mostra el perfil) 23 de març de 2009 12.18.24

Who here is someone who 'accidentally' picked up most of their knowledge of Esperanto, and similarly, other conlangs such as Ido, toki pona etc?

Kiu-ĉi estas ulo kiu pretervole lernis la plej parto de onia scio de Esperanto, kaj simile, aliaj planlingvoj kiel Ido, toki pona ktp? (tiu-ĉi frazo ne estas perfekta, mi pensas).

I reckon for the most part that's what happened to me - just in using the lernu forums, I reckon I've learnt more vocabulary than I could any other way (unless they release Esperanto-dubs of anime).

jan aleksan (Mostra el perfil) 23 de març de 2009 12.41.57

Uploaded, like in matrix lango.gif

1Guy1 (Mostra el perfil) 23 de març de 2009 15.12.04

Apart from failing French at School, my main experience of languages was learning Greek & Hebrew for theological studies.

Compared to those Esperanto is sooo easy & I soon hope to be speaking & reading it like a native okulumo.gif

henma (Mostra el perfil) 23 de març de 2009 19.35.20


Please, tell me right now where I can get such upload to my brain... don't hide that information only for yourself!!! okulumo.gif



ceigered (Mostra el perfil) 24 de març de 2009 3.52.34


Please, tell me right now where I can get such upload to my brain... don't hide that information only for yourself!!! okulumo.gif


Tests with my door-bell ringer have shown that hooking yourself up to electronical devices does (quite shockingly) not give you instant abilities...

Hey, what can I say? Mi estas provisto okulumo.gif (by provisto I mean I have taken a very hands-on approach during childhood to finding some things out... Like if automatic lets come out if you pull on them hard enough)

RiotNrrd (Mostra el perfil) 24 de març de 2009 5.01.32

I've learned the most, and the fastest, by writing in it. I keep a blog in Esperanto, and try to force myself to write a complete post (meaning, at least several paragraphs) about once a week.

As soon as you start writing in Esperanto, you will discover precisely the right set of words you will need to know with which to best express yourself, and which words you can put off for learning later on.

The words you will use most often are the ones you want to learn first, and the best way to figure out which words those are (and they may be a different set for different people) is to start writing about your world. Each trip to the dictionary - and there will be a LOT of those at first - will be to find a word that you actually need to use. Lessons teach you the words they think you need to learn*. Writing on your own teaches you the words you actually need to learn.

* But I'm not knocking lessons - those helped a lot, too.

ceigered (Mostra el perfil) 24 de març de 2009 5.55.05

Actually RiotNrrd I agree, having a blog or writing in Esperanto is great, mostly when you're writing about something you know nothing about (e.g. for me, making a caesar salad) because then you end up visiting la vortaro heaps, which is like "word of the day" x 40 okulumo.gif

Sed, grave, kio estas la furoro de cezaraj salatoj? (learners, you can use the lernu dictionary, up *there*).

jan aleksan (Mostra el perfil) 24 de març de 2009 9.07.51


Please, tell me right now where I can get such upload to my brain... don't hide that information only for yourself!!! okulumo.gif


If you are Steeve Austin, no problem. If not, plug a WIFI connection to the back of your brain (no need of surgery).

1Guy1 (Mostra el perfil) 24 de març de 2009 14.40.45

RiotNrrd:I've learned the most, and the fastest, by writing in it. I keep a blog in Esperanto, and try to force myself to write a complete post (meaning, at least several paragraphs) about once a week..
Thanks, what a brilliant idea; I think for me it will be a diary, but just sitting down now & trying to string together a few thoughts in Esperanto has been really productive.

darkweasel (Mostra el perfil) 26 de març de 2009 18.49.55

I first learned some basics, mostly grammar, using the lernu courses. Then, I went to the forums and communicated - and thus learned vocabulary.

Tornar a dalt