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Anglophone culture and preferred conlangs

од ceigered, 31. март 2009.

Поруке: 29

Језик: English

ceigered (Погледати профил) 31. март 2009. 11.13.28

rido.gif I'm probably going to be the most hated poster here because this will probably tip the English forum's thread count over to 1000, but anyway:

When coming across conlangs other than Esperanto, what styles really appeal to you? Is it how complicated they are? Or what they sound like (particularly if they sound like one of the "must-learn" languages in Anglophone culture, like Chinese, Spanish, German, Japanese etc)?

So, in a way, this could be rephrased as "what do you like in a language?"

And how does Esperanto compare to that?

(For me, I'd say a mixture of uniqueness, simplicity, flexibility, and something I can express any idea in instantly, but sounding interesting like Arabic, Japanese, Chinese or Finnish. I'd say Esperanto wins in in flexibility and moderate ease of expression).

EDIT: For those wondering what happened to the polls:
- "Because I can communicate with French people without using french!" examples given were Esperanto and Ido but they were cut off

- "Because it resembles a pre-existing language I like the sounds of" ended with "but I can't speak" (or something like that)

jan aleksan (Погледати профил) 31. март 2009. 17.30.09

ceigered:rido.gif I'm probably going to be the most hated poster here because this will probably tip the English forum's thread count over to 1000, but anyway:
Buuu... okulumo.gif

Bon Wen? I didn't know this one. Do you have other of that kind?

Can I vote also? (I'm not anglophone)

Ironchef (Погледати профил) 31. март 2009. 21.03.08

CONLANGs (and "Conlanging") is the reason I'm here at this site. It was exposure to the existence of Esperanto many years ago, and then subsequent interest in constructed language that led me back to Esperanto in 2007.

I have been tinkering with a CONLANG of my own for many years and I've never really got very far with but the overall flavor is a something with a nice mix of vowels and consonants, like Romance/Latin based languages do; but with a mixture of Greek/Albanian/Slav thrown in for spice:

baħte, çaimoke, kestra, ptíca, tçólana, pişje

I do not like unnatural looking languages or ones that are immediately impossible to grasps (Klingon, Lojban, etc).

I would like to create a language based on Celtic/Cymric/Brythonic roots, a sort of Welsh-Breton-Cornish mashup with an Esperanto-level grammar. I think that would sound really musical to the ear.

However, I will stress that while I see Esperanto as the one true usable auxlang, I don't propose any of my ideas to become auxlangs. I once saw the category "artlang" and I like that a lot: it lets one put languages into a group for their aesthetic reasons not usability reasons ridulo.gif

ceigered (Погледати профил) 01. април 2009. 07.49.42

jan aleksan:
ceigered:rido.gif I'm probably going to be the most hated poster here because this will probably tip the English forum's thread count over to 1000, but anyway:
Buuu... okulumo.gif

Bon Wen? I didn't know this one. Do you have other of that kind?

Can I vote also? (I'm not anglophone)
Oh yeah Jan, feel free to vote ridego.gif (It's really directed at anyone who has even slightly touched English than just native English speakers.

Bon wen is a language derived from Toki Pona, I think it's more powerful, but the dictionary is about 200 words longer, it was created by a youtuber guy called arpee, and it's the only other super-minimalist conlang I know of.

- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bon_Wen
- http://www.freewebs.com/bonwen/

And Ironchef, I really like the idea of a Welsh-Breton-Cornish mashup, would you put consonant mutation (albeit more regular and easier than in real Celtic langauges) in as well?

I'm personally trying to make a minimalist artlang based off of Chinese and Toki Pona, just having trouble with how I'm gonna deal with tones and converting Chinese vocabulary (such as the infamous "ma")

jan aleksan (Погледати профил) 01. април 2009. 08.09.10

ceigered:and it's the only other super-minimalist conlang I know of.
a few others, some are direct offsprings of TP:

Earth minimal


Toki IO

Ta Ti (link is dead)

I'm not sure that TP can be considered as flexible. Word order do matter in that language. I personnally have some difficulties to find out if a word is a verb, a noun, or a modifier.

ceigered (Погледати профил) 01. април 2009. 13.38.35

Actually I agree with you there, Jan, Toki Pona isn't as flexible as other languages in the same category as it, I think that's why I've decided to try and make an artlang/conlang, to try and make a better system... But my attempt will probably fail ridulo.gif

But I have to say the enketo/poll did not turn out like I meant it to (many errors or too much text in the field so it doesn't display right), pity I can't edit it malgajo.gif Ok forgive me for constantly rattling on in this thread ridulo.gif (and thanks for those links Jan)

Ironchef (Погледати профил) 01. април 2009. 19.00.02

ceigered: forgive me for constantly rattling on in this thread ridulo.gif
Ceigered: If you want to discuss CONLANGS in general please feel free to mail me directly thru Lernu. Not everyone is as interested in this as maybe we are ridulo.gif


1Guy1 (Погледати профил) 01. април 2009. 22.58.12

Ironchef: If you want to discuss CONLANGS in general please feel free to mail me directly thru Lernu. Not everyone is as interested in this as maybe we are ridulo.gif Owen.
It does seem to me, no criticism intended of anybody, that there are two kinds of people here. Those who are specifically interested in Esperanto & those more generally interested in constructed languages.

Ironchef (Погледати профил) 02. април 2009. 12.11.49

1Guy1:It does seem to me, no criticism intended of anybody, that there are two kinds of people here. Those who are specifically interested in Esperanto & those more generally interested in constructed languages.
You are correct. I could talk about this subject all day long but I know it could annoy or bore many people. There are people who view Esperanto as a living, usable, everyday language, in the same way English and Spanish are, and there are those who see it as an experiment in language-science. Some of us cover both bases. The last thing I want to do is take up forum space for something people aren't that interested in, hence my invitation to Ceigered to take this conversation further outside of the forum.

Maybe there is a more applicable forum somewhere for this? There used to a newsgroup for alt.conlang but I don't know how active that is anymore.

Amike, Owen

ceigered (Погледати профил) 02. април 2009. 15.37.14

Ironchef:Maybe there is a more applicable forum somewhere for this? There used to a newsgroup for alt.conlang but I don't know how active that is anymore.

Amike, Owen
Teorie, estas la esperanta lingva forumo de la temo de aliaj lingvoj. Sed, povas esti malfacile por skribi en ĝi, ĉar estas multaj problemoj: homoj kiuj ne ŝatas aliajn planlingvojn, homoj (kiel mi) kiuj ne tute komprenas esperanton kaj aliaj problemoj kiuj me ne povas pensi pri nuntempe.

Theoretically, there is the Esperanto language forum of the other languages topic. But, it can be hard to write in it, because of many problems: people who don't like other conlangs, people (like me) who don't completely understand Esperanto and other problems which I can't think about right now.

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