
Tired of rude people in the Tujmesagxilo. The example of Esprit, from Australia.

貼文者: fojo, 2009年4月20日

訊息: 4

語言: English

fojo (顯示個人資料) 2009年4月20日下午2:18:02

This is a private message I have sent to this character. It contains abusive language and so I guess I will get deleted, but that has a legitimate use occasionally, when is justified, and just in case does some good:
"I believe I am not alone in the feeling that what we want in the tujmesagxilo is fluent, interesting, pleasant conversation in Esperanto. For that you need: 1)know Esperanto 2) have social intelligence (manners, tact, intuition, flexibility, things you probably find hard to fathom) 3) general intelligence 4) general knowledge so that you have something to say about virtually everything. You have none of this so you play the Im over you game, and you are nothing but an empty-headed prick. No wonder all the good babilantoj have left, same way the other day they left. Funny enough, you pseudosmart knabetoj are left alone and have nothing to say, the tujm goes silent or at least boring, unsubstantial, exactly what you are. Anonymity invites rudeness, and only mature people can refrain and make it happen.
Dont you know speaking in 3rd person of a present person is rude, brainless twit? Do you know me? You make a lot of assumptions about someone you dont know, that I dont know about conlangs, that I dont understand your mumbo jumbo (me coming from Latin languages, moron) You even tried to play the Secret Language Game at my expense IN ENGLISH. How can you be so damn stupid! Only explanation is you are one of those thick anglo monolingual prats dreaming about speaking languages. You can play any game with a buddy but not at the expense of some stranger you know nothing about, any chance you could get that, pokey idiot? You come what for, to show off languages? Whenever theres effort to show off, thats sure sign skill and knowledge in that area lack. You project your level of knowledge unto others not realizing yours is pretty poor, and you are the one missing. I go now to "meliore" my English, you go now to "meliore" your brain and your manners, haughty mental midget.

jchthys (顯示個人資料) 2009年4月20日下午5:27:32

You should be more inviting towards beginners. That message wasn’t in the Esperanto spirit at all. Asking someone not to chat in English is one thing, but there’s nothing wrong with a beginner being present and occasionally saying something. From you’re profile I can see that you yourself have a “bazan nivelon” of Esperanto.

Considering that he hasn’t insulted you, you have no right as far as I’m concerned to write like that at him.

Ironchef (顯示個人資料) 2009年4月20日下午6:18:31

fojo:...It contains abusive language and so I guess I will get deleted, but that has a legitimate use occasionally, when is justified, and just in case does some good...
No. No, it does not. Abusive, rude language never ever has a legitimate use. Using abuse and profanity just highlights your own ignorance and xenophobia. Your comment about "thick Anglo monolingual prats" is especially offensive to me; an Anglo who can use 5 languages and wishes he could speak more!

I do not understand really what these comments relate to but if you're upset that someone in the Tujmesaĝilo is not acting like they should, there are channels in Lernu to report them to administrators. Flaming the person is not the way to behave. And furthermore, you say you have "sent this private message to the person"; so why are you repeating here, in the forums?

I second Jchthys: your message is totally against what Esperanto stands for and does more to alienate people than what you claim was said against you. Plenkreskiĝu!

ceigered (顯示個人資料) 2009年4月21日上午11:31:03

I don't quite understand why you had to go this far and what "from Australia" in the topic-title has got to do with anything (given your country code appears as AD and not AU).

The chap you're talking about probably only needed to be told 'mate, sorry, but I don't like the way you talk or act about x y and z, sorry if this is a misunderstanding but I ask that you please be more polite etc', where as it appears you've skipped negotiations and gone straight to war (which should never be an option in the first place - can you tell I'm a pacifist? okulumo.gif)

Forgive me if I have not interpreted your post correctly, but this message that has been sent is unreasonable and almost redundant as it is more likely to incite bitter feelings on the behalf of the recipient.

I highly suggest that an apology is made to the recipient, unless someone does not care about their Lernu! account let alone other people's feelings.

And @ ferkuirestro/Ironchef: I also find that comment very offensive, being a thick Anglo prat myself, we aren't all monolingual! Wait... Somehow I think I stuffed that one up...
