Aportes: 33
Idioma: English
ceigered (Mostrar perfil) 24 de enero de 2010 07:46:16
@ Frankouche and others - there is a google wave (mentioned not long ago here) where people are/were (haven't been there in a while) trying to make a conlang using Google waves collaborative features and voting systems. So far it seems to address some of the questions here, for example, what kind of sounds would be acceptable in an international language (the language, last time I checked, had sounds like b, p, t, d, k, g, h (with allophonic variants), r (with allophonic variants), l, and then a, e, i, o, u, y, w, an easier to pronounce syllable structure (nothing like Esperanto's CCCCV structure
) and fairly neutral grammar)). Of course, last time I checked that language didn't even have any rigid features and was still in heavy development, but if any of you guys can find the links to it here in the forums, I reckon you should take a gander of it 'coz it's actually a good example of what happens when people from everywhere start working on a language (as opposed to one polish eye-doctor or two frenchmen and a dane

Frankouche (Mostrar perfil) 24 de enero de 2010 13:23:19
ceigered:... it's actually a good example of what happens when people from everywhere start working on a language (as opposed to one polish eye-doctor or two frenchmen and a daneI didn't write about people who will make an language together. Like UN resolutions, sometimes it not works.)
In the case you precize, that's more a problem of organisation.
Of course all wants their own language specifications, why not ?
After all, eo is too indoeuropean.
One person or a group of person, in an international structure, could work on this new fundamento, why not ?
The idea of Z, to speak together(...) is very good, and after all, the tool itself, fundamento versio 1, 2, 3... is secondary.
Vilinilo (Mostrar perfil) 24 de enero de 2010 14:24:07
ceigered:@ Frankouche and others - there is a google wave (mentioned not long ago here) where people are/were (haven't been there in a while) trying to make a conlang using Google waves collaborative features and voting systems. (...)That seems a marvelous idea! Where can I learn more about it?