
Question about translation

글쓴이: s.hofius, 2007년 1월 29일

글: 12

언어: English

RiotNrrd (프로필 보기) 2007년 1월 30일 오전 5:22:01

Mythos:I still have trouble with them, but it is getting better since I have started studying EO.
And it will continue to get better. One of the best ways to improve ones English is to study a foreign language, and Esperanto is one of the best foreign languages (as far as deconstructing languages go) because it so plainly and consistently labels every word as to what part of speech it is.

Mythos:Too bad those adverbs still give me so much trouble.
I remember being in school, and thinking adverbs were hard - much harder than adjectives. But in truth, they are the SAME as adjectives in every way except for what they are modifying. Adjectives modify nouns, and adverbs modify verbs (where "modify" just means "adding extra information about"). That's all! And, unlike in English, in Esperanto you can ALWAYS tell what function a word has just by looking at its ending (except for the prepositions, which don't appear to have much internal logic to them; "pri", "antaŭ", "apud" - the endings don't tell you anything about the function, and you just need to buckle down and memorize them individually).

Anyway, I'm glad to hear that what I wrote was helpful!

scavengist (프로필 보기) 2007년 1월 31일 오전 3:14:01

scavengist:(japanese uses a similar particle that signals the direct object, so i can't really see why people are having such a problem with it.
Haha well if Japanese has it, it must be obvious and easy!

Not meant as a dig at you, scavengist, it was just a funny way of wording it ridulo.gif rido.gif
Yeah, I just read that. I meant, of course, that I can't see why. lol senkulpa.gif sorry

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