Mesaĝoj: 18
Lingvo: English
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-09 01:51:59
You can click on the errors it finds to get a brief explanation (in Esperanto) of what the error is and why it's wrong.
For the experienced speakers among us, the project is ongoing and the creators of the checker would like to know if correct grammar is marked wrong, or vice versa. You can e-mail with examples of erroneous checking; these examples can be used to improve the checker in the future.
richardhall (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-09 20:27:22
1Guy1 (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-10 15:19:21
The Esperantilo text editor for Esperanto has Spell & Grammar checking as well as a built in dictionary. It also can convert x format to accented letters. There are other features I have yet to explore.
It is available for Linux & Windows. I have both the Windows & Linux program in the same folder on a pendrive making it portable to either operating system.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-11 00:16:06
1Guy1:I also find this to be very useful:Tre malgaja, there is no mac version
The Esperantilo text editor for Esperanto has Spell & Grammar checking as well as a built in dictionary. It also can convert x format to accented letters. There are other features I have yet to explore.
It is available for Linux & Windows. I have both the Windows & Linux program in the same folder on a pendrive making it portable to either operating system.

I wonder if it would be asking too much to try and run the linux version via unix? (probably).
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-11 00:19:15
erinja:For anyone interested, there is a beta version online of an Esperanto grammar checker. It definitely doesn't catch all of your errors, and in situations where something could be correct or incorrect depending on context, it sometimes guesses wrong. But this is the link, for those of you who are interested in testing it out:Couldn't get it working on IE7 @ UniSA, but I'll try it on safari when my home internet gets up and runnin'.
You can click on the errors it finds to get a brief explanation (in Esperanto) of what the error is and why it's wrong.
For the experienced speakers among us, the project is ongoing and the creators of the checker would like to know if correct grammar is marked wrong, or vice versa. You can e-mail with examples of erroneous checking; these examples can be used to improve the checker in the future.
Oŝo-Jabe (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-18 03:26:41
jchthys (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-18 03:55:59
Oŝo-Jabe:I believe I found an error. It claims that 'nenioeco' is a spelling error, but aren't the correlatives unchanging roots, making their suggestion 'nenieco' wrong?I think I’ve heard that said before, but nenieco sounds a whole lot better to me.
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-18 21:50:31
russ (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-19 09:06:28
erinja:Nenieco is wrong, nenioeco is correct. You should submit that to the creator.Both seem correct to me. Why is nenieco invalid?
The verb "neniigi" (neni/igi) is quite common (e.g. in Various variants of "neni/far/" appear by various authors in PIV and ReVo both show the root as neni/o. ReVo includes an example "neni(o)farado".
Edited to add: in fact "nenieco" itself appears in PIV and ReVo.

tommjames (Montri la profilon) 2009-junio-19 09:28:45
PMEG:Normale oni do ne povas uzi la tabelajn antaŭpartojn kaj postpartojn kune kun ordinaraj elementoj de la lingvo, ĉar la signifoj konfuziĝus. Principe la tabelvortoj estas nekunmetitaj, nedisigeblaj, kvankam ili ŝajnas kunmetitaj. Ekzistas tamen manpleno da tradiciaj vortoj, kiuj miksas tabelvortajn partojn kun ordinaraj sufiksoj. Oni forigis la O-parton aŭ la A-parton de tabelvorto kaj aldonis sufikson: neniaĵo, nenieco, neniigi, neniiĝi kaj tiaĵo. Ili ne kreas konfuzon, kaj estas tial ne-danĝeraj.I think Erinja was alluding to how you shouldn't mix the elements of the correlatives together with other parts of the language, which seems to me a generally correct way of thinking about it despite the handful of exceptions as listed above which occur from time to time.