Mesaĝoj: 17
Lingvo: English
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-07 05:17:45
I only know the English, German and Swedish methods, and I have a rough idea of the Russian version (it's either "yest'" or "eto"...?) so maybe there is a much bigger strange world of "there-is"s out there...
Rohan (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-07 07:02:53
A (hopefully) informative detour: French, German and English, among many other languages, have what are called 'impersonal verbs'. Impersonal verb constructions compulsorily take a dummy subject, although it is semantically unnecessary.
For example, in English, one has to say 'It's raining.', although that 'it' isn't really required.
Esperanto does not have such verbs. So, 'Pluvas.', 'Tondras.', 'Tagiĝis.' are all perfectly well-formed sentences, just like 'Estas (io).'
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-07 07:59:25

This phenomenon of "dummy subjects" and "impersonal verbs", if "phenomenon" is not the wrong word, is quite interesting. I'm curious as to how it came around - I mean, in English, "there is" *kinda* makes sense... if you think of "there" very liberally (e.g. there is a cat - true, a cat is 'there'... wherever 'there' is

russ (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-08 10:02:04
Of course one can't blindly translate words without paying attention to the meaning and context and intent, e.g. in "There is the cat I'm looking for", "there is" is "Tie estas". I.e. are you getting at the subtlety of whether the "there" in "there is" should be literally translated into another language or not?
Ironchef (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-08 14:06:26
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-08 14:12:42

Ironchef I'll look for that book if I can. The age doesn't look promising though as far as South Australian libraries go (lots of new, little of old), but if I do see it I'll certainly have a look at it.
RiotNrrd (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-09 05:01:30
But... there is no reason for it to be there.

russ (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-09 05:44:14
ceigered:I apologise russ for the vagueness of this thread, this thread is basically discussing the different ways different languages say "there is". The poll is just asking what you first thought the 'there is' construction would be in Esperanto as a learner, that is before you looked in the dictionary or were told the correct way. For instance, I was stuck between "esti", "havi" or simply nothing at all when I first began EsperantoOh, "havi" would never have occurred to me. Are there many languages where the same verb like "have"/"havi" would be used for both "there is a cat outside" and "I have 3 cats"? They seem like rather clearly different concepts to me (existence vs possession).
However I know that various Slavic languages including Polish use the equivalent of "havi" only in NEGATIVE existence sentences, which seems bizarre to me. I.e. in Polish you'd say "tu jest kot" (literally "here is a cat", "ĉi tie estas kato") but the negation is "tu nie ma kota" (literally something like "here (no explicit subject) has no cat", "ĉi tie (iu neklara subjekto) ne havas katon") changing the actual verb simply because the sentence is negated, and changing the case of the noun from nominative (subject of "to be") to accusative (object of negated "have).
Polish doesn't do that for any other verb, e.g. "I am writing" or "I am not writing" both use the same verb for "write" as you would expect.
And even more oddly: in the FUTURE tense, Polish uses "to be"/"esti" for both positive and negative sentences, just as you would expect from a saner language

robinast (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-09 06:37:50
russ:Are there many languages where the same verb like "have"/"havi" would be used for both "there is a cat outside" and "I have 3 cats"? They seem like rather clearly different concepts to me (existence vs possession).In Estonian, the verb is the same, only the phrase construction depends on whether to express the existance or possession.
"there is a cat outside"> "õues on kass": "there" is not translated, "a cat" (kass) is in nominative case.
"I have a cat">"mul on kass": "I" (mina/ma) is in adessive case (mul) and "cat" (kass) is in nominative.
"I have three cats"> "mul on kolm kassi": "I" (mina/ma) is in adessive case (mul) and "cat" is in singular accusative.
It principally is possible to use a special verb "omama" for "to have, to own" - but actually, it's just never used as a predicate in a correct Estonian. "oma" (own) functions mainly as a root for derivative words.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2009-julio-09 10:41:18
- On = to be, correct? (sounds like the Finnish olen/olet/on, e.g. minä/sinä/hän olen/olet/on pitkä = I/you/he-she am/are/is tall)
- How come in "mul on kass" and "mul on kolm kassi" the difference is in the use of the accusative?