
Seen today on the BBC

글쓴이: Ironchef, 2009년 7월 21일

글: 14

언어: English

Ironchef (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 21일 오후 2:14:01

Today on the BBC website: Esperanto celebrates power of hope

mnlg (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 21일 오후 2:27:31

A nice article. Thanks!

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 22일 오전 7:19:31

mnlg:A nice article. Thanks!
Kak intiryesna, komrad of ze Esperanto soviet...

I found it interesting how he said that the future palestine would be like a volcano with conflicts et al. until the situation blew over... The man aside from the amateur linguist was quite interesting, don't you agree?

Ironchef (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 22일 오후 6:59:39

mnlg:A nice article. Thanks!
What strikes me most about this, is not the article itself but that the BBC are taking an interest. This is the 2nd Esperanto related article they have posted this year I believe; and that certainly lends some credence to the subject matter and promotes our language in a positive light while so many other media outlets are still fond of using "Esperanto" as a metaphor to describe failure and extinction.

Pharoah (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 22일 오후 7:22:47

so many other media outlets are still fond of using "Esperanto" as a metaphor to describe failure and extinction.
That's a good point you bring up there. It's basically the reason why, this time around, I'm sort of learning Esperanto in secret. A couple of years ago I started learning it but gave up quickly. It didn't help that everyone I told thought it was a bad idea, or that I was crazy, or just couldn't figure out why I was doing it.

RiotNrrd (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 23일 오전 2:36:14

There is a difference between failing and simply not having succeeded yet.

Unfortunately, too many people confuse the second for the first. "If it hasn't succeeded, then it's failed". Uh... no. That's not how things work.

I will only consider Esperanto a failure when no one speaks it anymore. Until that day, the jury is still out.

andogigi (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 23일 오전 5:26:25

Failed in what way? By what definition? I enjoy learning the language and have fun speaking it with interesting people. It hasn't failed me at all by my yardstick.

ceigered (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 23일 오전 7:03:31

It's funny for me, in Australia, particularly Adelaide, I've only met one person who knows what esperanto is. They dismissed it straight away as being a bit of a joke, then again that's probably because it's 'cool' to take a negative view point about things.

Everyone else is like 'whoah that's kind of cool, give me the site you found this at and I'll have a look at it' - it seems that in a way esperanto is what many people want, some cool easy to learn language. But because of media and people wanting to fit in, those who know about it can sometimes become obsessively opposed to it (which I see as very immature, it's like being a teenager and not wanting to wear the wrong brand of shoes.. thats why I dont wear shoes most of the time rido.gif)

Ironchef (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 28일 오후 8:10:10

ceigered:It's funny for me, in Australia, particularly Adelaide, I've only met one person who knows what esperanto is. They dismissed it straight away as being a bit of a joke, then again that's probably because it's 'cool' to take a negative view point about things
Not just in Australia mate. My stepdaughter is 14 and it seems to be the "fashion" now to be very pessimistic and dismissive about almost anything. For whatever reason, kids today seems to assume that everything is a lie or a joke or "fake" until you can prove them otherwise; and even then, not always.

..... were we like that? ridulo.gif

RiotNrrd (프로필 보기) 2009년 7월 29일 오전 1:35:42

Ironchef:... were we like that? ridulo.gif

Don't know what generation you are from, but I think I can still say pretty confidently, yes.

Wasn't Socrates complaining about something similar?

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