Mesaĝoj: 23
Lingvo: English
Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-10 04:52:12
So, I've gone for another keyboard layout, forget about option keys! Basically, the ĝ is on the 'w' of a QWERTY keyboard etc. Take a look at this link - there's also a PDF showing the layout, which is the standard on Ubuntu systems: My favourite Eo layout. As you will see, I also commented on that thread - the flag that I posted there was in fact taken from the other link (the option pressing version!).
And then, if you want to swap any keys around, just use the Ukelele programme as I mention in the above thread. It's very easy.
Sorry if this is some kind of repost, but I suppose it won't harm if I share my experience...
mihxil (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-10 08:39:04
The advantage of this is that you also get something acceptable in case you find yourself at a different computer. The point is that after a while not your brain, but your fingers type the words...
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-10 11:39:43
I used to use Ek! but now I use tommjames's program "Tajpi".
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-10 12:29:29
ceigered:Virtualbox and VMWare Fusion could bring Brazilian "Kurso de Esperanto" to Mac machines, too. Hm, yes, someone will still need MSWIN OS files for realising that. Virtualbox has a special Seemless mode which simply cuts off the Desktop area around the main task bar. So, someone only sees the main taskbars of i.e. MSWIN on the bottom and the main taskbar of MacOSX at the top and the Linux one on the left and some BSD clone on the right.
Problem is on the odd occasion you can't find the little things you need for Mac, e.g. things you wouldn't think of like the Brazilian Kurso de Esperanto. I wonder if anyone has had success running those kind of things over Crossover? I've tried it using virtualisation (e.g. Parallels) but to no avail.

Because MacOS X and Linux (the X shows that) came from the same unixoid family. It should be possible to port the excisting Kurso de E-o Linux version to MacOSX (?).
Or simply modify a Wine app fpr MacOSX? I don't know.
[url=]WINE for Darwin and Mac OS X[/url] It's still pre-alpha means it will probably have a lot of malfunctions now. Beta version will be usable.
mihxil:The point is that after a while not your brain, but your fingers type the words...Sounds like e-o friendly Big Brother/(Sintel)Sister called "Subconsciousness" takes care of you.

Anyway, on MSWIN I use the tool created by Gregor H. | (Hhm, why it's not linked right now at that page?)
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-10 13:15:59
Just open .exe's with "open with" using application called "Wine" you get with from there to run most windows programs in Mac if it's possible to run them, without emulating Windows.
Of course - the best option is to have Windows installed somewhere on your Mac properly, but I never got around to doing that when it was easy enough for me, so for me this is the most I can do

(Wineskin is an alternative to WineBottler, but I prefer WineBottler's
Regardless, I haven't used Kurso de Esperanto in ages when I was using VirtualPC on my old iBook, so I'll have to test with this to see if it works. It's an Intel only method though.
That all said - the basic rule is if anything runs well on Crossover (a commercial variant of wine for mac), it will run just as well on WineBottler, or so I've found.
qwertz (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-10 13:23:07
ceigered:WineBottlerVery nice. Now we only still need that vice versa for MacOSX apps on MSWIN so that someones never again will have to stick to some OS because that app isn't ported to another OS.
Just open .exe's with "open with" using application called "Wine" you get with from there to run most windows programs in Mac if it's possible to run them, without emulating Windows.

Chainy (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-10 14:09:48
mihxil:I myself always preferred to type 'ikse'. A few months ago I made it myself because I couldn't find it elsewhere:Thank you, Miĥil, for creating this x-typing layout for Mac computers! It works great on my old Mac iBook (Tiger 10.4.11).
The advantage of this is that you also get something acceptable in case you find yourself at a different computer. The point is that after a while not your brain, but your fingers type the words...
I searched a long time on the net for such an x-input system for Mac computers, but I didn't manage to find anything at all - this seems rather surprising to me, I mean there must be loads of people out there who would like such a system. There's lots of information about enabling the x-system for Microsoft and Linux computers, so I wonder why not for Macs?! Anyway, I'm very pleased that you've shared your version with us!
The great aspect to using the x-system is that all of the keys are in the familiar places, so my typing is much faster. However, I suppose that if I were to stick with the other keyboard layout that I mentioned above, then after some practice it could potentially be an even quicker way of typing in Esperanto as it does away with all the extra 'x' strokes! - In fact, I think it's quite easy to get the hang of typing with Ubuntu keyboard layout for Esperanto, apart from perhaps the location of the 'ŝ' (on the 'q' key, which is a bit uncomfortable as I wouldn't normally use this key so much in English... - and 'ŝ' in Esperanto is much more common than the 'q' is in English).
Thank you again! I'm using the x-system now and it's very unobtrusive and it was even easy to write the word 'Linux' - I just had to press twice on the 'x' to change it from 'ŭ' to the 'ux'.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-oktobro-10 17:10:38
Tiu ĉi ikso-sistemo estas bonega!
Fine, la Mac ankaŭ havas ikso-sistemo!
And it's based off of normal US which is pretty good too!
mihxil (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-03 15:45:13
ceigered:I agree on congratulating MiĥilThanks. I actually created an updated version yesterday [url=][/url]
mihxil (Montri la profilon) 2010-novembro-06 10:30:04
formiĉjo: so I'm buying an Intel Macbook Monday.Does ikse run natively, or is it winblows only?To define a new keyboard layout in OS-X, just an extra configuration file is needed. There is no need for extra code, and certainly there is no need to run code from 'winblows'.