讯息: 4
语言: English
SonicChao (显示个人资料) 2007年3月3日上午1:28:51
La krajonoj estis en la lernejo. La lernejo estas bruna kaj malnova. Ili vidis sian malamikon. La KRAJONPINTIGILO DE DETRUADO! La krayonpintigilo estas malnova antaŭ, sed ĝi povas destrui krajonon. Ili kuris al la skriboplumojn sed la pintigilo postiris. La skriboplumo estis kolera...TRE TRE KOLERA! La scriboplumo mortbatis la krayonpintigilon. Ĝi estis sur la tablo, nu estas sur la planko. Ĝi estis unu fragmento, nu estas unu mil fragmento.
It really confused me. There must be some mistake, but this seems to be about pencils in a school, whose enemy is a pencil sharpener (Pencilsharpener of destruction?), and the pencils go to a pen, who is angry and makes it into a million fragments???
Does this make no sense to you too? Or am I right and should just ignore this, but it's really bothering me. If it's a joke story, it sort of is funny...I guess...
erinja (显示个人资料) 2007年3月3日上午3:07:21
pastorant (显示个人资料) 2007年3月3日上午4:13:44
erinja:It doesn't make that much sense to me. I think it is supposed to be funny but I don't find it particularly funny. Also the language is not that good, I see a lot of errors.It's kind of humorous. Not knee slapping, but cute none the less.
SonicChao (显示个人资料) 2007年3月3日下午3:22:28
erinja:It doesn't make that much sense to me. I think it is supposed to be funny but I don't find it particularly funny. Also the language is not that good, I see a lot of errors.It was posted by some n00b on a blog. I see why there are errors. Probably used a dictionary for the whole thing.