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Dodgy Eng-EO neologism game :)

kelle poolt ceigered, 6. detsember 2009

Postitused: 4

Keel: English

ceigered (Näita profiili) 6. detsember 2009 7:28.54

I've noticed that there are all sorts of dilapidated English neologisms you can create in Esperanto by accidentally searching for an English word in the EO-English Vortaro here on lernu!, so maybe we should have a forum for all those strange new false friends that seem to get created by searching in the wrong dictionary rido.gif.
So if you like creating confusing look alike words in EO, put them here and we can make a mini word list of nonsensical English neologisms!

Some "new" words to start off:
- Interestingo (noun) = lit. Female tea remainder socket. A device for sticking tea bags into after usage. (interesa)

- Komunikatio (noun) = lit. Communicated something. Something that is being communicated (Mi scias komunikatio sed mi ne volas diri vin). (komunik(ad)o)

- Lassero (noun) = lit. Release serum. (erm, laser)

- Diktonaro (noun) lit. Group of dictation fractions. A speech composed using bits and pieces of other speeches. (vortaro)

- Pinforesto (noun) An absence of pine trees. (Incorrect usage: Oux Maj! Rigardu tio cxi pinforesto, gxi estas tre belan!) (pinarbaro, pinaro?)

- Delikatesano (noun, Ido) A person who leads a delicate existance.

- Profano (noun) A profanity (propano, only for those who pronounce "propane" as "prophane", I think more due to accidentally thinking it's spelt "prophane" than due to sound changes).

- Pajlovstiko (noun) plant cutting propagation using straw-eggs. (stako de bastanoj).

- Oksogxeno (noun) An inconvenience brought about by oxen (oksigeno)

- Barbaranrajdo (noun) The act of having a piggy-back atop a non-Roman citizen. (barbara ataketo - barbarian raid (interesting, ReVo or the lernu vortaro does not have "raid" in the Eng-EO section nor "foray").

- Barbarano (noun) 1. A barbarian person (as expected), 2. A member of a group of beards or 3. A bearded frog.

- Eraaro (noun) 1. a group of eras, 2. a group of fragments (sxi portis la eraron de la rompita bovlo al la tablo) or 3. an erroneous rendition of "eraro" (error).

If I continue this they're just gonna get lamer lango.gif anyone else?

qwertz (Näita profiili) 6. detsember 2009 15:45.57

- Profano (noun) A profanity (propano, only for those who pronounce "propane" as "prophane", I think more due to accidentally thinking it's spelt "prophane" than due to sound changes).
Oh, no. "Profanity" again. okulumo.gif

ceigered (Näita profiili) 7. detsember 2009 8:13.46

- Profano (noun) A profanity (propano, only for those who pronounce "propane" as "prophane", I think more due to accidentally thinking it's spelt "prophane" than due to sound changes).
Oh, no. "Profanity" again. okulumo.gif
lango.gif yeah that one doesn't really make sense except for people like me who can't pronounce propane

qwertz (Näita profiili) 7. detsember 2009 9:57.30

- Profano (noun) A profanity (propano, only for those who pronounce "propane" as "prophane", I think more due to accidentally thinking it's spelt "prophane" than due to sound changes).
Oh, no. "Profanity" again. okulumo.gif
lango.gif yeah that one doesn't really make sense except for people like me who can't pronounce propane
Try it with "Pro-Pain" shoko.gif No, don't do it!

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