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JEF "anthem" song

од qwertz, 10. децембар 2009.

Поруке: 14

Језик: English

qwertz (Погледати профил) 31. јануар 2010. 14.22.39

jan aleksan:
I'm not against, it's just one point of view, one solution for the building of europe. I agree with you. But I wondering about the picture this song render: they speak in english, we see (a bit) national flag and a big european flag. So, I would naively conclude that federalist want to "uniformise" the european countries. that is just the feeling I had when I watched it.
How I understand the federalism idea is that they wanna make the "EU citizen" idea reality. So if I decide to work in Italy I should have the same rights onsite like a italian and will find the same social security like in Germany. That's not reality now. For excample: Some years ago I worked in South Tyrol (north italy) some time and the local health insurance authority didn't grant me that special italian health pass you need if you have to go to the doctor. My employer recommend me to go to the emergency hospital if I get sick. Very funny idea. I would describe me as a very patient person. My colleague wasn't. He was roaring to the authority person because he had some pain due to an work accident. It was not something you have to go to the emergency hospital. Just something you would consult a "normal" doctor. (Okej, in Germany.) So, in my opinion the EU federalism idea targets "uniforming" all-day-life laws for "public happiness" of the EU citizens. They don't wanna uniformize european cultures. I sent a email to the JEF folks. Maybe they will join the lernu.net forum and give some more deep information.

Somebody of the german de.lernu.net adjusted the text to:

01.) Some say we've got nothing in common,
Kelkaj diras, ke ni ne havas ion komunan,
02.) No cultural ties to build on,
neniun kulturon akordan.
03.) The project just can't work,
La projekto simple ne povas funkcii,
04.) Some say nationalism will break us,
Kelkaj diras, ke naciismo disrompos nin,
05.) Conservatives will fight us
ke konservativuloj kontraŭbatalos nin,
06.) But trust as we really do care
sed fidu, ĉar ni vere afliktas.

07.) And we shout what about
Kaj ni krias, kio pri
08.) Europe United,
Unuiĝinta Eŭropo?
09.) Peace and safety for all of the people,
Paco kaj sekureco por ĉiuj homoj.
10.) Democracy, freedom, subsidiarity
Demokration, liberecon, subtenon,
11.) Federalism, the solution we've got
federacion, la solvojn ni trovis.

12.) Some say the EU is confusing,
Kelkaj diras, ke la EU estas konfuzo,
13.) Lacking a constitution,
ne estas havanta konstitucion,
14.) But we know what to do,
Sed ni scias kio estas bezonata,
15.) Reform now, we want to see enlargement,
Reformu nun, ni volas plivastigadon,
16.) Accept our major statement,
Akceptu nian ĉefan postulon:
17.) Europe United as one!
Eŭropo, unuiĝinta unueco!

qwertz (Погледати профил) 09. фебруар 2010. 18.21.22

jan aleksan:
About translation, I am not sure about the exact meaning of "subsidiarity" and I guess It has in fact not much to do with subsidies. I thing it's a dedicated word to qualify the european governance (subsidiareco)
10.) Democracy, freedom, subsidiarity
Demokration, liberecon, subtenon,

I agree to jan aleksan. Could somebody else confirm the translation of "subsidiarity" to "subsidiareco"?


trojo (Погледати профил) 11. фебруар 2010. 06.15.49

jan aleksan:
About translation, I am not sure about the exact meaning of "subsidiarity" and I guess It has in fact not much to do with subsidies. I thing it's a dedicated word to qualify the european governance (subsidiareco)
10.) Democracy, freedom, subsidiarity
Demokration, liberecon, subtenon,

I agree to jan aleksan. Could somebody else confirm the translation of "subsidiarity" to "subsidiareco"?

I don't like "subsidiareco". As I understand the term, it is a philosophy or principle of government, not an abstract quality, so first of all it should be an -ismo rather than an -eco. The other issue I have is that subsidiar- is not a valid Esperanto root (at least that I can find). I suggest subsidantismo, the philosophy that those who "sit below" (subsidantoj) in the government hierarchy (i.e. the local government) should make most of the decisions except where a problem is too big for them to handle, in which case a higher level government entity takes care of it. Subsidantismo is more or less a calque of "subsidiarity" rather than a straight transliteration.

On the other hand, if you are going to transliterate the English word, do it fully, subsidiaritio or similar. Attaching "-eco" to an unassimilated foreign root makes no sense.

qwertz (Погледати профил) 13. фебруар 2010. 11.48.05

Edit: Done

Europe United karaoke
Esperanto subtiteled

Unuiĝonta Eŭropo karaokeo:
Esperanto translation in forground, english original in the background

Thanks everybody for translation help.

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