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JEF "anthem" song

door qwertz, 10 december 2009

Berichten: 14

Taal: English

qwertz (Profiel tonen) 10 december 2009 18:03:54


shortly I triped over that JEF activities. They also have a kind of youth anthem.

Edit: Done

Europe United karaoke
Esperanto subtiteled

Unuiĝonta Eŭropo karaokeo:
Esperanto translation in forground, english original in the background

Thanks everybody for translation help.

Edit: JEFers singing 'Europe United' at the XX European Congress in Florence

Young European Federalists (wikipedia) (JEF webzine)

Could you take a look at the Esperanto translation? I planned to make a esperanto subtiteled karaoke version of that song.

Thanks a lot.


(juneŭropa federaciistoj)

01.) Some say we've got nothing in common,
Kelkaj oni diras, ni ne havas iom komuna,
02.) No cultural ties to build on,
Ne kulturbantojn ni sur ekaltkonstruos,
03.) The project just can't work,
La projekto simple ne povos funkci,
04.) Some say nationalism will break us,
Kelkaj oni diras, ke naciismo disrompos nin,
05.) Conservatives will fight us
Konservativulojn batalos kontraŭ nin,
06.) But trust as we really do care
Sed fidu nin, ni fakte antentas.

07.) And we shout what about
Kaj ni krioas, kio estas pri
08.) Europe United,
Unuiĝinta Eŭropo,
09.) Peace and safety for all of the people,
Paco kaj garantio al ĉiuj homaroj,
10.) Democracy, freedom, subsidiarity
Demokratio, libereco, subtenego,
11.) Federalism, the solution we've got
federaciistado, la solvo ni proponas.

12.) Some say the EU is confusing,
Kelkaj oni diras la EU estas konfuze,
13.) Lacking a constitution,
Mankas konstitucio
14.) But we know what to do,
Sed ni scias kio estas bezone,
15.) Reform now, we want to see enlargement,
Reformu nun, ni volas vidi plivastigado,
16.) Accept our major statement,
Akceptu nian estro proklamo,

17.) Europe United as one!
Unuiĝinta Eŭropo kia unar!

And we shout what about
Europe United
Peace and safety for all of the people
Democracy, freedom, subsidiarity
Federalism, the solution we've got


Edit: some JEF links were added.
Edit: the song text should match now the regarding mp3 file. There excist a instrumental mp3 version, too.

Rogir (Profiel tonen) 10 december 2009 22:27:50

Who are this JEF? The Junularo Esperantista Franca?

ceigered (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2009 05:53:04

First hit on Google.
Of course, it could always be the Japan Economic Foundation, but I think that's about as likely as the world electing George Bush for world president.

qwertz (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2009 08:14:20

Sorry about that confusion. I added some website links to the correct JEF folks.

This federalism flag looks interesting. On first look you could be confused by that "E". They are no Esperantists right now, aren't they? okulumo.gif

Rogir (Profiel tonen) 11 december 2009 15:23:54

A big green E on a white field. Such a nice flag. Now we only need to add a star or so.

qwertz (Profiel tonen) 30 januari 2010 20:32:51


I translated the song above. Could you check the translation please? Also, rhyme suggestions would be nice. The esperanto version should be "kanteble".


jan aleksan (Profiel tonen) 30 januari 2010 22:16:27

Bone, mi ne tre sxatas la paroladojn, cxar tio estas unu vidpunkto pri euxropeco (federciista), kaj cxefe cxar.... estas nur en la angla... tio donas al mi strangan impreson pri la vidpunkto de la federaciistoj...

Do, mi ne nomus gxin himno, sed LipDub, kio gxi estas.

qwertz (Profiel tonen) 30 januari 2010 23:20:57

jan aleksan:Bone, mi ne tre sxatas la paroladojn, cxar tio estas unu vidpunkto pri euxropeco (federciista), kaj cxefe cxar.... estas nur en la angla... tio donas al mi strangan impreson pri la vidpunkto de la federaciistoj...

Do, mi ne nomus gxin himno, sed LipDub, kio gxi estas.
That's the reason why I try to create a Esperanto subtitle version. There are at least 65 federalist MEPs in the European Parliament and only 2 known Esperanto MEPs. So, I think, it would be good idea to cooperate at the EU level, isn't? To prove that fact you can check the > membership page please. Personaly, I don't understand your salvo against the EU federalism idea. Yes, they work proactive against national mental states. The big question: Do the current EU member states really wanna take part of a collective European Union, or not? Or do they only wanna put advantages of the EURO currency zone? Just putting of advantages of that situation and no release of national advantages? That seems to be the matter the JEF folks are really annoyed of and the JEF song targets.

Okej, than let it call a LipDub or simply JEF Song (But I can not change the title of this thread).

erinja (Profiel tonen) 31 januari 2010 13:08:40

qwertz:The big question: Do the current EU member states really wanna take part of a collective European Union, or not? Or do they only wanna put advantages of the EURO currency zone?
No, they do not want to be part of a collective European Union. Yes, they only want to take advantage of the currency zone.

I don't see anyone jumping to bail out Greece from their financial pressures. Governments in the EU want all of the benefits of togetherness, and none of the drawbacks.

But this is none of my business, since I'm American. I'll let you Europeans battle this one out! ridulo.gif

jan aleksan (Profiel tonen) 31 januari 2010 13:31:18

qwertz: Personaly, I don't understand your salvo against the EU federalism idea. Yes, they work proactive against national mental states. The big question: Do the current EU member states really wanna take part of a collective European Union, or not? Or do they only wanna put advantages of the EURO currency zone? Just putting of advantages of that situation and no release of national advantages? That seems to be the matter the JEF folks are really annoyed of and the JEF song targets.
I'm not against, it's just one point of view, one solution for the building of europe. I agree with you. But I wondering about the picture this song render: they speak in english, we see (a bit) national flag and a big european flag. So, I would naively conclude that federalist want to "uniformise" the european countries. that is just the feeling I had when I watched it.

About translation, I am not sure about the exact meaning of "subsidiarity" and I guess It has in fact not much to do with subsidies. I thing it's a dedicated word to qualify the european governance (subsidiareco)

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