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Contacts at the BBC?

од erinja, 18. јануар 2010.

Поруке: 9

Језик: English

erinja (Погледати профил) 18. јануар 2010. 21.51.04

If anyone knows anyone who works at the BBC, please let me know. The lernu! team is looking to find a contact there. Thanks!

Hispanio (Погледати профил) 18. јануар 2010. 22.05.07

It seems that BBC likes Esperanto very much lango.gif.

Gratulon for them.

Frankouche (Погледати профил) 18. јануар 2010. 22.11.38

The lernu! team is looking to find a contact there
An esperantist spy ! rido.gif

What do you want to do with the BBC ?
Esperantize them ? rideto.gif Wowww ! rideto.gif

rano (Погледати профил) 18. јануар 2010. 22.24.02

Hispanio:It seems that BBC likes Esperanto very much lango.gif.
aure you talking about that?:
(is it BBC?)

year esperantize them!!!

erinja (Погледати профил) 18. јануар 2010. 22.30.50

Nothing to do with Esperantizing them, I'm afraid! It has to do with the publishing rights for Mazi en Gondolando.

Donniedillon (Погледати профил) 18. јануар 2010. 23.16.17

It has to do with the publishing rights for Mazi en Gondolando.
That is wonderful! I don't have any contacts, but I am a big Muzzy fan. I have emailed the publisher about the Esperanto version without results.

Good luck!

Miland (Погледати профил) 19. јануар 2010. 00.20.46

I would contact the EAB. They may be able to help.

Ironchef (Погледати профил) 22. јануар 2010. 21.10.11

I would suggest writing a formal outline of what you plan to do, to the following:

British Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcasting House,
Portland Place,
London W1A 1AA

Miland (Погледати профил) 22. јануар 2010. 21.27.45

erinja:It has to do with the publishing rights for Mazi en Gondolando.
According to a wiki article the rights to Muzzy in Gondoland were acquired by the company Early Advantage who then translated it into Esperanto. Here is their contact page.

(Writing to the BBC with a proposal still sounds like a good idea, though).

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