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A list for fans of zonal/naturalesque conlangs

von ceigered, 25. Januar 2010

Beiträge: 25

Sprache: English

ceigered (Profil anzeigen) 26. Januar 2010 11:51:58

IberianWolf:OMG, I opened that LFN site and I was able to understand everything! it sounds just like what I'd expect if I re-invented latin/italian. really, that's just weird and doesn't feel very "international" to me. if you make a movie about the roman empire in LFN, no one will notice it's not latin, really. lango.gif
Haha well I believe that's the point of the language - to be pretty much immediately understandable to all us super latinised speakers. But yes you're right, once again it's not very international, it'd probably only benefit 1/6 of the world population - the other 5 billion or so speakers would probably confuse it for some obscure Italian/Spanish dialect rido.gif (but I am glad to find that it's understandable to a romance-speaker, I was worried it was just "anglicised spanish" or something like that at first)

LFN could be useful though in the same way that the "original" lingua franca (sans-nova) was to merchants etc. Maybe one day we could have EO for formal language, LFN for tourism etc, retooled-Latin for science and English for all the lazy anglophones rido.gif

EDIT: Unfortunately, on the paje Gramatica completa de LFN, even without previous study of the language you can tell the author has made some mistakes in his own language (e.g. accidental use of "or" instead of "o", and "is" instead of "es"). It's to the author's credit that the language is simple enough for an English speaker to understand straight off the bat to the point they can correct the main grammar page, but that kinda works against him because then the learner can DISCREDIT the author on his LFN spelling rido.gif

IberianWolf (Profil anzeigen) 26. Januar 2010 12:18:14

I'll translate some of it to portuguese so you see how ridiculously easy it is for me xD

"El ave* un numero limitada de fonemes. El sona simila a italian o espaniol."
(Ela) Tem um número limitado de fonemas. (Ela) Soa similar ao Italiano ou Espanhol.

"El ave un gramatica vera simple e regula. El es min complicada en esta caso como engles o indonesian."
(Ela) Tem uma gramática verdadeiramente simples e regular. (Ela) É menos complicada, neste caso, do que o Inglês ou Indonésio.

"El es desiniada per aperi plu parte "natural" per los ci comprende la linguas roman, ma no min fasil per otras."
(Ela) É desenhada para aparecer na sua maior parte "natural" para os que compreendem as línguas romanas, mas não menos fácil para as outras.

*there is the verb "haver" in portuguese, meaning "to exist". I think "to have" might be the root here, though.

this CAN NOT be taken seriously as an international auxiliary language... it seems more like a romance auxiliary language to me, an italian/castillian hybrid. I mean, I can translate it without any previous knowledge of the language! and if I was translating it to Castillian it would be even more closely related. how is it supposed to help to communicate internationally? you might as well just have everyone learn Castillian...

EDIT: this also shows how mutually intelligible portuguese, castillian and italian are. we don't need an auxiliary language, we can make up a "language" on-the-fly if we need to talk to each other ridulo.gif

at first sight, interlingua seems kind of the same, more italian and a bit less iberian, but still intelligible.

ceigered (Profil anzeigen) 26. Januar 2010 12:52:35

IberianWolf:this CAN NOT be taken seriously as an international auxiliary language... it seems more like a romance auxiliary language to me, an italian/castillian hybrid. I mean, I can translate it without any previous knowledge of the language! and if I was translating it to Castillian it would be even more closely related. how is it supposed to help to communicate internationally? you might as well just have everyone learn Castillian...
Except Castillian is a heck of a lot harder rido.gif
But I think even the author recognises that it's mostly for pan-romance language communication (which technically makes it an International Auxiliary language, at least until Italy, Romania, France, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico, and all those other countries become a single entity rido.gif
Either way, even with its limited scope, I like it as much as EO, which is much more complicated. But I prefer EO for complex writing.
This is also interesting:
Sabir (the "original" Lingua Franca) - up until LFN I hadn't even heard of it, and yet it seems to have had an important role in the development of languages word-wide.

Taciturn_ (Profil anzeigen) 26. Januar 2010 16:03:15

LFN is far more internationally easy to pronounce than Esperanto. So I like it better too.

Roberto12 (Profil anzeigen) 28. Februar 2010 12:02:03

I'm resurrecting this thread to announce the birth of a new bad-ass Germanic auxlang:



ceigered (Profil anzeigen) 28. Februar 2010 14:28:17

That IS badass! (And I think I remember this too from an earlier message of yours lango.gif)

I found the use of "soom" and "vat-" very ingenious too!

I'm still working on my regularised version of Oldish Latin (with slight general italic/indo european influences to help the regular part), but I think "Romais multi campom duonos reges parvom saxom suai duelicai reginai facit" (In Rome, the good king of many fields makes a small rock for his warish wife) is as far as I'll be getting until I've settled into my new university course lango.gif

Roberto12 (Profil anzeigen) 28. Februar 2010 18:24:14

Glad you like it, Cei.

Have fun practising the secret vice at university rideto.gif

ceigered (Profil anzeigen) 1. März 2010 11:54:48

Roberto12:Glad you like it, Cei.

Have fun practising the secret vice at university rideto.gif
I've admittedly never heard of that phrase before (what does it mean?) but I will have fun indeed rido.gif

Also, people interested in Modern Indo European might be interested to know there has been some progress as of late, such as this. Still not sure how to pronounce "Dnghu" though... lango.gif

La aŭtoroj insistas ke ilia lingvo ne estas je la nivelo de Esperanto sed estas je la nivelo de, eble, Moderna Hebreo, tial, ĝi ne estas facila aŭ amika kiel la pli facila Esperanto ktp.

andogigi (Profil anzeigen) 1. März 2010 19:29:15

If anyone has a copy of the book "In the Land of Invented Languages" by Arika Okrent, there is a comprehensive (though not exhaustive) list of conlangs in the back. They're listed by chronological order.

andogigi (Profil anzeigen) 1. März 2010 19:29:24

If anyone has a copy of the book "In the Land of Invented Languages" by Arika Okrent, there is a comprehensive (though not exhaustive) list of conlangs in the back. They're listed by chronological order.

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