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diabeto kaj ???

de boy-o, 9 de novembro de 2004

Mensagens: 6

Idioma: English

boy-o (Mostrar o perfil) 9 de novembro de 2004 02:57:25

I am wondering about a word i use rather frequently in english, but i haven't found an Esperanto equivalent yet.  I have type one diabetes, and because of this i need to inject insulin into my body by way of a pump that is connected to me by a catheter in my abdomen.

I am wondering what would the Esperanto word for insulin be?  The picture dictionary only talks about basic parts of the body, and the vortaro doesn't have any entries for insulin.  Any other resources i have looked at don't have the word either.

If the case may be (though i highly doubt it because the language is pretty thorough in the number of words it has) that the word doesn't exist, would i have to make up a word?  because adding -o to the end doesn't work; insulin contains what would be two esperanto suffixes that would change the word into referring to a girl person (literal; person girl).

Iu helpus min?

AMc (Mostrar o perfil) 15 de novembro de 2004 22:20:18


 don't know if you got any replies for this question yet but here's what I was thinking:

insul-o is island so insul-in-o would be a female island- in my English-speaking brain there isn't really such a thing as a female island so would it be a "new" word, that is a word that doesn't already have a concrete meaning?  If this is so then could you adopt it as insulin?  Also most Esperantists who speak a European mother tongue would, I imagine, be comfortable with "insulino" as the word insulin is similar in many European languages- not sure if this is good ground to base new words on, in the "internacia lingvo" though. 

Another possibility might exisst if there is an affix that denotes something that is released, emitted, or borne out of the root noun.  I'm very new to Esperanto so I don't know if there is such an affix, but if there is maybe it could be joined with "insuleto" to mean a product of the "islet" cells of the pancreas.  I know that other hormones are released from the islets of Langerhans but insulin is the only one whose name is a reminder of this (coming from the Latin for island).

I found an online dictionary (multilingvo tradukvortanro at lexicool,com) that translates insulin as "insulino". As ever with rapidly found internet sources I'm not sure how "official" this translation is.

Hope that helps a bit,  bye for now


Machjo (Mostrar o perfil) 18 de novembro de 2004 05:59:36

I've just confirmed from the dictionary that the word for insulin is in fact 'insulino', the root being 'insul-'.  This should come as no surprise since we find the same with the word 'Esperanto' made up of the radical 'esperant-' (Esperanto) and the word 'esperanto' made up of the radicals 'esper-' (hope) and -ant- (active present suffix), meaning one who hopes.  So granted these synonyms could cause problems in some contexts, but then again, who said Esperanto is perfect?  It's still much easier than any other language I know or am studying though.


I hope this answers your question.

Machjo (Mostrar o perfil) 19 de novembro de 2004 02:43:24

  The radical for insulino (insulin) is 'insulin-', and has no relationship with the radicals 'insul-' and -in-.

boy-o (Mostrar o perfil) 26 de novembro de 2004 04:54:57

well i guess that settles that then.  dankon cxiuj!

i must say though, the proposal of 'released-insuleto' sounds intriguing actually.  hm...

be released:  malmobilizigxi

and if what i have been taught serves me then, to make this a noun would be malmobilizo


malmobilizinsuleto = insulin.

wow...what a mouth full ridulo.gif

Franck (Mostrar o perfil) 3 de dezembro de 2004 14:58:59

Saluton boy-o.

Mi ne scias se ekzistas la verbo "mobilizi" (mi ne trovas ĝin en la Pilger vortaro), sed via kunmetita vorto por traduki "insulin" ne korektas. Fakte, "malmobilizigxinsuleto" signifas "insuleto de malmobilizigxo"... Mi ne pensas ke tio traduku kion vi volas esprimi ! malgajo.gif

La korekta formo estus "malmobilizigxa insuleto", uzante adjektivon, ne kunmetitan formon.


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