글쓴이: walkingonthesun, 2010년 3월 3일
글: 2
언어: English
walkingonthesun (프로필 보기) 2010년 3월 3일 오후 4:24:26
In Esperanto, what's the difference in the pronunciation of C and S? They sound the same to me... and, while I'm at it, how is ĵ properly pronounced?
ceigered (프로필 보기) 2010년 3월 3일 오후 4:30:26
C = ts, "jeTS", "leT'S" etc. Sounds almost "s" like at the start of a word, but still chuck in the T there for clarity, because for some strange reason "serte" (correctly, certe, "tserte") sounds really wrong, even if as an English speaker "ts" and "s" sound almost identical at the start of a word
S = just plain s. Nothing really special about 'im
Jx = the french j/soft g sound. Or the "s" in Asia, essentially the same thing.
There's approximately 1,000,000,233,925.91653333333333 similar threads on the board so if you need any more help you might find them useful - just give it a search if you need any more help and you should be right
S = just plain s. Nothing really special about 'im
Jx = the french j/soft g sound. Or the "s" in Asia, essentially the same thing.
There's approximately 1,000,000,233,925.91653333333333 similar threads on the board so if you need any more help you might find them useful - just give it a search if you need any more help and you should be right