Easy stories?
від Konekto, 29 березня 2010 р.
Повідомлення: 3
Мова: English
Konekto (Переглянути профіль) 29 березня 2010 р. 19:46:48
... and while it was enjoyable, it was a real labor to try and remember so many unfamiliar words. Don't get me wrong, it was nicely written and I enjoyed it, but I was wondering if there are any collections of even simpler stories so that I could practice reading a bit more. (I'm at level 17 of http://en.lernu.net/kursoj/puzlo/chefa.php ).
erinja (Переглянути профіль) 29 березня 2010 р. 23:07:48
The magazine "Juna amiko" also has articles written in easy language, and we have some of them posted on this site:
Also, I hope you are taking advantage of the clickable translations. That is, you click on any word in the text you are reading, and a translation pops up in a little window. That's available for most Esperanto-language texts on this site (including La sep kapridoj)
Miland (Переглянути профіль) 30 березня 2010 р. 20:22:11