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by J_W, May 19, 2010

Messages: 5

Language: English

J_W (User's profile) May 19, 2010, 4:02:18 AM

Saluton, mia nomo estas James Waters. Mi havi prezenti min kun tio lingvo.

I'm not very good as you can probably tell okulumo.gif But im learning! i had never heard of Esperanto until today. After reading what it stood for and the bridge it builds between cultures, i decided to attempt to learn.

Thought i'd introduce myself to the lernu! community before undertaking Esperanto.


3rdblade (User's profile) May 19, 2010, 10:54:35 AM

Bonvenu and welcome, James.

ceigered (User's profile) May 19, 2010, 11:19:22 AM

J_W:I'm not very good as you can probably tell
Hey, most people who haven't started a language would't even be able to say "My name is" in it most of the time so you're doing well rideto.gif (the other part should technically be "Mi prezentis min en/kun via lingvo" if you meant "I have presented myself in/with your language", or "Mi prezentis min en/kun tiu lingvo" if you meant "I have presented myself in/with that language")

Miland (User's profile) May 19, 2010, 11:47:57 AM

J_W:Saluton, mia nomo estas James Waters .. i decided to attempt to learn.
Saluton, kaj bonvenon! Mi nomiĝas Miland. There is a good variety of beginner's courses here that may suit you, and are worth trying - it is not necessary to complete them all. Mi estas komencanto is a good place to begin. Others that may suit you include Bildoj kaj demandoj and Vojaĝu kun Zam.

Take it steadily, and feel free to ask questions.

Frankouche (User's profile) May 21, 2010, 9:52:14 PM

Saluton James

Ĉu vi komprenas min sen via nasklingvo ?

Tio magias, ĉu ne ?

Ĝis la revido... okulumo.gif

Do you understand me without your native language ?
That's magic, isn't it ?
See you soon

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