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Angoroj English Subtitles?

by miri12345, May 28, 2010

Messages: 2

Language: English

miri12345 (User's profile) May 28, 2010, 12:22:51 PM

Does anyone know where I can find English subtitles for the film "Angoroj"? I'm a beginning Esperanto learner and wanted to see the film.

Miland (User's profile) May 28, 2010, 2:05:52 PM

Angoroj is probably not available with English subtitles. In any case, as you're a beginner, you may be better off seeing the film produced by Imagu based on the work by Claude Piron Gerda Malaperis!, if you are able to get access to it. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be available at present.

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