Príspevky: 20
Jazyk: English
erinja (Zobraziť profil) 1. júna 2010 0:04:57
ceigered:"La ĉiuj homoj" is flat out wrong, as has already been mentioned. "ĉiuj la homoj" is an anglicism and the "la" is completely unnecessary.
I noticed that when I was writing out the question - I had never thought of that before but when I was writing out examples "cxiu la" sounded weird. Just for clarification, does this extend to "cxiuj la homoj" or just "La cxiuj homoj"?
If I say to a group of people, "Saluton al ĉiuj homoj", it implies that I am greeting only all of the people in the room, not all of the entire people in the entire world. The word "la" is completely unnecessary.
darkweasel (Zobraziť profil) 1. júna 2010 5:27:41
erinja:ĉiuj la homoj = ĉiuj el la homoj
"ĉiuj la homoj" is an anglicism and the "la" is completely unnecessary.
I do sometimes use ĉiuj la to make it explicit that I'm talking about only the ones I've talked about before.
ceigered (Zobraziť profil) 1. júna 2010 7:10:53
horsto (Zobraziť profil) 1. júna 2010 16:04:11
darkweasel:That only shows that nobody is perfect. You should say ĉiuj tiuj homoj instead.erinja:ĉiuj la homoj = ĉiuj el la homoj
"ĉiuj la homoj" is an anglicism and the "la" is completely unnecessary.
I do sometimes use ĉiuj la to make it explicit that I'm talking about only the ones I've talked about before.
darkweasel (Zobraziť profil) 1. júna 2010 16:10:54
horsto:I do know that PMEG says so, but I consider this nonsense. What logical reason is there that ĉiuj tiuj homoj is correct but ĉiuj la homoj isn't? I really can't think of any.darkweasel:That only shows that nobody is perfect. You should say ĉiuj tiuj homoj instead.erinja:ĉiuj la homoj = ĉiuj el la homoj
"ĉiuj la homoj" is an anglicism and the "la" is completely unnecessary.
I do sometimes use ĉiuj la to make it explicit that I'm talking about only the ones I've talked about before.
Please remember that PMEG isn't by itself an official part of the language and is naturally very influenced by Bertilo Wennergren's views and opinions. If PMEG prohibits a construction like ĉiuj la homoj that is 100% logical and understandable, then I do not feel bound to this.
horsto (Zobraziť profil) 1. júna 2010 16:26:59
darkweasel:In fact I didn't know that PMEG says so, I only wrote what is logical for me and what I always observe in texts I read.
I do know that PMEG says so, but I consider this nonsense. What logical reason is there that ĉiuj tiuj homoj is correct but ĉiuj la homoj isn't? I really can't think of any.
Please remember that PMEG isn't by itself an official part of the language and is naturally very influenced by Bertilo Wennergren's views and opinions. If PMEG prohibits a construction like ĉiuj la homoj that is 100% logical and understandable, then I do not feel bound to this.
And speaking about logic: If you talk about some people you don't say la homoj, you would say tiuj homoj, therefore ĉiuj tiuj homoj is more logical than ĉiuj la homoj, isn't it?
ceigered (Zobraziť profil) 2. júna 2010 9:33:43
horsto:And speaking about logic: If you talk about some people you don't say la homoj, you would say tiuj homoj, therefore ĉiuj tiuj homoj is more logical than ĉiuj la homoj, isn't it?Theoretically yes, as "tiu" is linguistically speaking a demonstrative adjective, so it's use here would be logical, but when compared to "la", while the words are very different, their meanings are very similar - after all, definite articles were born from demonstratives, and in many languages demonstratives take the place of definite articles.
So, from that point of view, it appears that both are equally as logical there, unless contrasting between "tiu" and "tiu cxi".
Francisko1 (Zobraziť profil) 4. júna 2010 16:19:54
I was wondering about style in Esperanto, and about avoiding certain countructions for various reasons and how that would possibly affect the meaning or tone of what's being said.
One thing I've been thinking of is the following - if I said "saluton al cxiu cxi homo" and "saluton al cxiuj cxi la homoj", is there any major change in meaning going on? In English, "Hello to every person here" sounds weirder than "Hello to all the people here" I guess, but then again, in English, we also have "everybody" which effectively is in the singular.
So is Esperanto picky about this? And is there any forseeable problem with eschewing "cixu" or "cxiuj" in preference of just one of them if that was a chosen style choice of any individual? (other than "Saluton cxiuj", where "cxiu" would sound rather strange I suppose).
ceigered (Zobraziť profil) 4. júna 2010 16:47:30
Francisko1:In relation al "ĉiu" kaj "ĉiuj", a very interesting phrase exists: "Ĉiu por ĉiuj kaj ĉiuj por ĉiu" (better than: "Unu por ĉiuj kaj ĉiuj por ĉiu). What is your opinion?Ah, mi ŝatas tiun frazon! Eble pli logike ol la Angla versio...
(Ah, I like that phrase! Possibly more logical than the English version...)
Miland (Zobraziť profil) 4. júna 2010 17:49:52
Francisko1: "Cxiu por cxiuj kaj cxiuj por cxiu" (better than: "Unu por cxiuj kaj cxiuj por cxiu). What is your opinion?Very good!