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Word of the Day - Vendi

від Chainy, 10 червня 2010 р.

Повідомлення: 18

Мова: English

Chainy (Переглянути профіль) 10 червня 2010 р. 12:16:47

VENDI - to sell

1. Cedi la proprieton de objekto, besto aŭ sklavo kontraŭ difinita prezo: - to relinquish the [right of] ownership of an object, animal or slave (!!?) for a specific price.

What on earth is the word 'slave' in there for?! Deary me, some of these Esperanto sources really are ancient - it gives a terrible impression to newcomers! Maybe back in the 1880s some people would be perfectly ok about the idea of 'selling slaves' being a good example to use in the definition of 'to sell', but really, we need to filter out this nonsense so that it's more appropriate for the modern world!

"Li vendis al mi sian komputilon." - He sold his computer to me.
"Antaŭ mortigo de urso ne vendu ĝian felon." - Before the killing of a bear, don't sell its hide. ('mortigo' refers to the hunting down of the bear here)
"Sen mensoga rekomendo ne iros la vendo." - Without an untruthful recommendation the sale won't go through. (sorry, but I can't think of an adjective for 'to lie' (to not tell the truth)!)
"Kio vendiĝas kaŝite, vendiĝas plej profite." - What is sold secretly (not in the open), is sold most profitably.
"Por vendisto mensogo estas necesa apogo." - Literal translation: For a salesman lying is a necessary support. But, I suppose the meaning is 'The art of lying (deception) is a necessary tool/skill for a salesman. As far as I'm aware 'vendisto' can mean 'salesman' or 'shop assistant' depending on the context...

2. Teni stokon da artikloj por la klientoj: - To hold a stock of articles/items for the clients.

"Kion oni vendas en tiu vendejo?" - What do they sell in that shop?
"Tio estas ĉiovendejo - en ĝi eblas trovi iun ajn varon." - That is a universal shop. It's possible to find any product in it.
"La vendado de aŭtoj estas profita." - The selling of cars is profitable
"La tuta stoko jam estas elvendita (disvendita)." - The whole stock is already sold-out/has already been sold out.

3. Oferi kontraŭ mono aŭ alispeca profito tion, kio havas moralan valoron: - to offer something that has moral value for money or another form of profit.

"Amvendistinoj vendas sin al ĉiu, kiu havas monon." - Prostitutes sell themselves to anyone who has money. (First time that I've seen 'Amvendistinoj' or "Amovendistino" as ReVo lists it! - "love saleswomen". There seems to be a whole range of ways to say 'prostitute' in Esperanto - cxiesulino (lit. "Everyone's girl"), prostituitino, amoristino... Note: Possibly another dubious example of a definition, I mean do we really have to talk about prostitutes when defining the word 'to sell'?!

"Sciencon oni ne mendas, klerecon oni ne vendas." - you can't order science, you can't sell cultural understanding (sorry, can't think of the right word here, 'klereco' means an understanding of culturally sophisticated things, such as music, art etc....) It's rather tricky to translate some of these old-fashioned expressions! There must be a good way of saying it in English, but it doesn't come to mind right now! It's probably best to remember 'mendi' in these contexts: "Mendi veston al tajloro" - to order an item of clothing from a tailor. "Mendi cxambron en hotelo" - to order a room in a hotel. "Mendi kotleton en restoracio" - to order a cutlet in a restaurant. "Fari mendon" - to make an order. "Plenumi mendon" - to fulfill an order.

"En la nunaj tempoj ĉio estas vendebla, eĉ la konscienco." - These days everything is for sale, even the [a person's] conscience.

4. Perfidi pro mono: - to betray (someone) because of money.

"Vi vendis min!" - You sold me out!

Reteos (Переглянути профіль) 10 червня 2010 р. 17:36:56

dankon por plia bona vorto de tago
tre informa

erinja (Переглянути профіль) 10 червня 2010 р. 17:44:00

FYI Reteos, since this is the English forum, you should put an English translation with your postings. I noticed you had a couple of Esperanto-only postings recently; you're welcome to practice your Esperanto (or any language at all) by posting in Esperanto, but since it's the English forum, it should be accompanied by an English translation (just as, in Esperanto forums, you could post in English, but it should be accompanied by an Esperanto translation)

It may seem petty since you are a beginner yourself, but this is our way of ensuring that even those with zero language level can fully participate in our forum.

lavagulo (Переглянути профіль) 10 червня 2010 р. 20:19:43

What on earth is the word 'slave' in there for?! Deary me, some of these Esperanto sources really are ancient - it gives a terrible impression to newcomers! Maybe back in the 1880s some people would be perfectly ok about the idea of 'selling slaves' being a good example to use in the definition of 'to sell', but really, we need to filter out this nonsense so that it's more appropriate for the modern world!
I've heard it said that if you don't know history, you will just keep on repeating past mistakes. I'm not too sure about that. It occurs to me that we humans are going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again whether we read history or not. Anyway, slavery is not a dead issue in our modern world. It exists in other parts of the world today -- especially in Africa. Young women are kidnapped and sold into the slavery of prostitution. Young children are taken and sold into slavery in the pornography world.

I enjoy reading A Complete Grammar of Esperanto by Ivy Kellerman. She routinely uses old stories in her examples. The Holy Bible is filled with references to slavery. It is an unpleasant part of our existance, past and present. As predation exists in the animal kingdom, so predation exists in the human world in another form. We might be less cruel simply to kill and eat our prey. I am not being cynical.

tommjames (Переглянути профіль) 10 червня 2010 р. 20:40:08

lavagulo:Anyway, slavery is not a dead issue in our modern world.
Indeed. In fact according to the definition of slavery by Anti-Slavery International there are approximately 27 million slaves in the world today; more than at any point in history!

But I can agree with Chainy, that it may not be the best (at least not the most pleasant) choice for a definition of "vendi". rideto.gif

ceigered (Переглянути профіль) 12 червня 2010 р. 05:28:12

Reteos:dankon por plia bona vorto de tago
tre informa
"Tre informe" would be the usage here, because for some crazy reason you have to use adverbs when there is no noun (unless the adjective acts like an implied shortened noun, e.g. "La angla estas freneza - English is crazy"). Or so I was told :-/

lavagulo:I've heard it said that if you don't know history, you will just keep on repeating past mistakes. I'm not too sure about that. It occurs to me that we humans are going to keep making the same mistakes over and over again whether we read history or not.
Those humans clearly haven't learnt the lessons from their history yet okulumo.gif

I think a big problem is that some wonderful quote-making people with crazy white hair and monocles assume that history alone is enough, but knowing history isn't the answer - rather, it's feeling history. I could know that an atomic bomb went off in hiroshima a good 60 or so years ago, but that's nothing compared to trying to feel what it was like for the many people who died or had family die because of it. History's only as good as one's empathy (or lack of ignorance) is I guess malgajo.gif.

(perhaps a bigger flaw to the whole plan is that we let politicians run our countries).

erinja (Переглянути профіль) 12 червня 2010 р. 11:15:50

I would really hesitate to use the word "culture" because it means so many things other than the "high arts" of music and philosophy and whatever.

I often use "learned" as a translation for "klera". Translations for "klereco" might be "learnedness" (a bit kludgy, that one) or "erudition"

horsto (Переглянути профіль) 12 червня 2010 р. 12:32:50

lavagulo:Anyway, slavery is not a dead issue in our modern world.
Indeed. In fact according to the definition of slavery by Anti-Slavery International there are approximately 27 million slaves in the world today; more than at any point in history!
Perhaps there are many more slaves in the world.
There were news in germany about 10 suicides in the company Foxcon within the last week, I don't if that was also in the news of other countries. Foxcon is the biggest company for producing electronics, things like the Apple iPad and phones from Nokia and other companies are produced there.
In order to earn enough money to live the workers have to work 12 hours daily, without a break, they are not allowed to talk to each other and they are treated miserably.
For me they are also slaves, slaves of capitalism.

LyzTyphone (Переглянути профіль) 12 червня 2010 р. 14:01:50

Just a little question, should we, like in Deutsch and Chinese board, do this in a single thread, instead of spilling the "thread of the day" all over the (already populous) English board?

ceigered (Переглянути профіль) 12 червня 2010 р. 15:15:29

horsto: Foxcon is the biggest company for producing electronics, things like the Apple iPad and phones from Nokia and other companies are produced there.
In order to earn enough money to live the workers have to work 12 hours daily, without a break, they are not allowed to talk to each other and they are treated miserably.
For me they are also slaves, slaves of capitalism.
I heard that after those suicides they upped the pay amongst other things, but it certainly is curious no doubt. For 10 people to commit suicide, yet for other companies to remain seemingly immune to this, makes me wonder if something else is going on somewhere.

While at the moment I'm treating details I hear with a grain of salt (no doubt there is propaganda from both Foxcon executives and human rights activists), but the working conditions no doubt suck in many factories there. It's all good for keeping the economy going but I think that the whole process will fall on its own sword if they don't address these issues soon enough.

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