Mesaĝoj: 64
Lingvo: English
josephschwenker (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-27 23:20:46
I have uploaded the last working revision, and we will transfer strings one by one into the old file, testing that it works all along the way.
Due to the possibility that someone (or a bot) may have intentionally damaged the file, since anyone can modify the file, I have imposed stricter security measures. The corrupt file will still be visible from the original link, however, you will not be able to edit it. In the old file, you will be able to view the file only, but will be able to edit it with your Google Account. Please send your Gmail addresses to me, and I will add you as editors to the document.
We can fix this!
keen101 (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-28 00:13:27
Yeah, i also checked to see if one of the ending > were accidentally edited out, but coulden't find any. It might be something else like a missing space or quote sign. *shrugs*
Okay, again sorry if it was something i edited. I will also impose my own safe editing practices, and will test more often.
at least it was caught now, and not later i guess.
....also... has anyone noticed sometimes lateley LERNU reports to be having server issues or seems sluggish. I think it may be time for Lernu to upgrade their servers or bandwidth. I would report it, but i dont know who to report it to.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-28 13:33:54
There should be somewhere where you can donate (although that's recognisably not possible for some people). I can't remember where though, I've seen it somewhere I reckon (or something like that at least).
Erinja should be able to extrapolate on all this if you ask her.
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-28 15:36:21
ceigered:Re Lernu!'s bandwidth, this has been a long running problem, and is related to server costs I believe (because Lernu! doesn't really profit in any way, and gets funding from one of the big EO organisations).There's a big link to a donation page in the right column of every page on lernu!.
There should be somewhere where you can donate (although that's recognisably not possible for some people). I can't remember where though, I've seen it somewhere I reckon (or something like that at least).
Erinja should be able to extrapolate on all this if you ask her.
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-28 17:22:42

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-julio-28 18:24:08
However, we are hoping to eventually become self-supporting. We get some income from the ads you see at the top of the page, but not even close to enough to keep us functioning. Almost everyone working at lernu is a volunteer, but a few members of the lernu team are paid for their work on the site, particularly programming work (it's not a lot of money, and it's not even close to the going rate for programmers doing work in the industry).
Our tutors and translators do not receive any money for their work, and all of our content is available free of charge. Compare this to other language-learning websites, where you have to pay money once you pass the beginner level. Our site has been built from scratch - our dictionary, our instant messenger, our forums, etc., they're all tailor-made for this site.
We are hoping to transition to a new server this fall, but this too will take time and cost money. If you are annoyed by the times when the site simply won't load, or when pages load slowly, or when there is a glitch - feel free to donate some money to help us correct the problem. These glitches are a result of our server (which is by now somewhat old) and the popularity of our site.
If you see a specific improvement that you would like to be made to the site, and you are willing to fund it, please contact . If you have programming skills to volunteer, let us know. If you would like to help with re-doing the PDF versions of our content, please do let us know, this is a task that has been waiting for someone to do it for a long time.
And if you are a wealthy person looking to make a big donation to a worthy cause, or if you're not a wealthy person but you're looking to make a small donation - please give!
keen101 (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-11 17:06:17
Here is a story my brother wrote awile back. I haven't finished reading it myself, but it's got a similar creepy and dark feel to it like the Penumbra game. So, i figure some of you may enjoy it. Plus it's in esperanto/english.
josephschwenker (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-18 00:47:29
josephschwenker (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-18 02:57:35
josephschwenker (Montri la profilon) 2010-aŭgusto-18 03:00:42