q-r code
貼文者: qwertz, 2010年6月16日
訊息: 1
語言: English
qwertz (顯示個人資料) 2010年6月16日下午12:05:26
do you have any ideas about how to make that q-r code matter useful for the e-o community? Special q-r modified games i.e. like "q-r code paper chases". Using q-r codes instead of paper chases; after shooting the q-r code with ones cell phone someones camera gets an enigma where to find the next q-r code chaser... Could be combined with geo caching.
QR Code's CSI Moment (youtube)
do you have any ideas about how to make that q-r code matter useful for the e-o community? Special q-r modified games i.e. like "q-r code paper chases". Using q-r codes instead of paper chases; after shooting the q-r code with ones cell phone someones camera gets an enigma where to find the next q-r code chaser... Could be combined with geo caching.
QR Code's CSI Moment (youtube)