Pesan: 14
Bahasa: English
LyzTyphone (Tunjukkan profil) 30 Juni 2010 07.59.55
qwertz: I even could refine that regionaly to a area in Germany. So I also could tell you that the communication style of some German native persons can be offending (kingliness position setting top-down communication) inside DE-TH (Thuringia).And I can understand by that you mean the sentence
Wenn man jemandem den kleinen Finger reicht, nimmt er die ganze Hand!, not anything else.
qwertz (Tunjukkan profil) 30 Juni 2010 09.52.42
LyzTyphone:Okay, I see.qwertz:Wenn man jemandem den kleinen Finger reicht, nimmt er die ganze Hand!, not anything else.
ceigered (Tunjukkan profil) 30 Juni 2010 10.15.21
Aŭ ne
(Beginners can use the vortaro for this)
qwertz (Tunjukkan profil) 1 Juli 2010 08.51.12
Ŝiru_Ĉi_Tie:Some evidence that this idiom really exists
qwertz:Also, some people prefer to rip out your arm if you give them your little finger. ... Mi donis al sin mia malgranda fingro, sed ankoraŭ ne sufiĉe pro tion, ili eksteren ŝiris mia brakon.I love that idiom! It is so much more colorful than the English one: Give him/her and inch and he/she will take a mile.
Dendemann - Kein Platz im Tourbus (= "no place available inside the concert transport facility/ tour bus") Dendemann is a de-de German Hiphopulo.
"...Ich reich' den kleinen Finger, schon war er weg der Arm... / "... I hand over my small finger, already(instantly) I lost my arm."
0:30 min (Dende hiphopulo does the "ripped out arm" fly to the DJ behind. The left one without the microfon , Nej, nej, la Dende estas mojosa)
further Idiom explanation:
Maybe you know that exciting action movie scene. Unfortunately somebody drops down a cliff during end of day walk and - fortunately #1 s/he can grap the cliff somewhere and dangles at the top of the cliff. But it will not help her/him very long. The countdown is running and the popcorn bag gets emptier, too. But fortunately #2: Another persons lends over her/his "arm" and - fortunately #3 - got it to lift the person in danger up. But the helper only can use one arm. Otherwise s/he would drop down together with the person s/he wanna help. Another alternative: s/he let rip out his arm, because the person in panic will never loose the helpers arm. You got it? Thats what this idiom is about.
Pooooh, hopefully I described that correctly. But its lot of fun to explain and explore other culture idioms. Hopefully that will spread inside the e-o community, too.