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von Kojotulo, 9. Juli 2010

Beiträge: 11

Sprache: English

Kojotulo (Profil anzeigen) 9. Juli 2010 17:13:38

So, I was thinking the other day. If I wanted to say someone was heartless, would I say Malkoro? OH, wait I just looked at my iPhone esperanto dictionary and it says Senkora, that makes sense.

So then, what would Malkoro mean? sal.gif

Matthieu (Profil anzeigen) 9. Juli 2010 17:43:40

Senkora is the correct translation.

Malkoro would mean “the contrary of a heart”, so it doesn’t really make sense.

Kojotulo (Profil anzeigen) 10. Juli 2010 00:13:19

Not making sense, the story of my life.

angel32163 (Profil anzeigen) 10. Juli 2010 04:50:31

Oh, I don't know...Malkoro could be used in this context:

A coroner is doing an autopsy. During his examination, he suddenly exlaims:
"Mia Dio! Ĉi tio viro estas malkoro!" (or would it be "Ĉi tia..")

Or maybe it's just that I'm ready for bed and am still at work, and getting a little nuts.

Evildela (Profil anzeigen) 10. Juli 2010 05:51:45

angel32163:"Mia Dio! Ĉi tio viro estas malkoro!" (or would it be "Ĉi tia..")
policano diras al la doktoro "Mi arestos la edzinon"

Also I beleive it would be:
"Mia Dio! Ĉi tiu viro estas senkoro!"

Frankouche (Profil anzeigen) 10. Juli 2010 12:58:10

Mie, ia eksterterano povus esti malkora

Sed kiel mizeraj (fekaj) vampiroj, kiuj ne respektas virinojn (huhu okulumo.gif ); tiuj estas bestoj, kiel laboratoraj eksperimentoj, senkoraj.

erinja (Profil anzeigen) 11. Juli 2010 00:31:08

Please include English translations with all non-English messages.

"malkora" doesn't mean "without a heart", it only means "opposite of a heart", which doesn't have any logical meaning, whether it's an alien or not.

Also "mie" wouldn't mean anything like "laŭ mi". It would mean something like "by means of me". The meaning would actually be so strange and obscure, I wouldn't recommend using this construction, due to lack of clarity.

utku (Profil anzeigen) 11. Juli 2010 06:10:45

Also these are not so logical:

1. In traditional sence, we (and maybe rest of the world) use brain and heart as contrast pairs. One decides (for example about marriage) by means of his heart or brain. So, malkori can have a metaphorical meaning: act like a computer, without emotions.

2. Some people have their hearts not at left, but right, also some have both. If exists, right-side heart can be named as malkoro (ex. havi malkoro). We can't use dekstra koro for that since this term is used for right part of a left-side heart.

ceigered (Profil anzeigen) 11. Juli 2010 07:47:59

I think the problem here is that "mal" is being misinterpreted - "malkora" means "the opposite, or contrary to the heart".

So "malkora" can't mean "without feelings" (like a computer), as feelings are not a state on an opposite-scale, they are merely an existence.

Just like with physics, how every reaction has a equal and opposite reaction, so does an existence have an equal and opposite counterpart.

So, "malkora" can't mean "heartless" or "without feelings", because these are not opposites, these are states of non-existence and absence. An opposite must consist of the same amount of "stuff". So, malkora = the opposite to the heart.

In a practical sense, a true malkora person would act against their own wishes and do the exact opposite to what they want, NOT act without feelings*. So malkora does have a practical meaning, but it's not heartless (senkora) okulumo.gif

La soldato malkore pafis la vunditan cervon kiel senkora mortigulo
(The soldier, opposite to his heart, shot the wounded deer like a heartless killer)

That said, "malkora" could probably be worded as "kontraŭ/mallaŭ la korvolo" or something like that

*(The reason why acting heartlessly and acting contrary to the heart are not equal is because those heartless actions may not be true opposites to what the feelings would be - one can heartlessly do an action, but at the same time want to do it - for example, if you're job is to translate, you HAVE to do it (a heartless action), but you might enjoy it (therefore it's wanted at the same time).

Kojotulo (Profil anzeigen) 11. Juli 2010 08:32:50


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