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All about "class"

viết bởi Seth442, Ngày 15 tháng 7 năm 2010

Tin nhắn: 9

Nội dung: English

Seth442 (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 03:21:57 Ngày 15 tháng 7 năm 2010

I have a few questions:

1) what verb would I use to say I am taking a class?
2) does "klaso" ever refer to the physical location of a class or would you always use "klasejo" (which I would translate as class-room)
ex. "Klase, mi studis matematikon" = "In class, I studied math" vs "Klaseje, mi studis matematikon"
3) does "mi estas en klaso" mean "I am in class (physically)", or "i am in (taking) a class", or neither?
4) how would I saw "It is the hardest math course?"
my best effort: "Gxi estas la plej malfacila el cxiuklasoj matematikaj.


patrik (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 04:16:35 Ngày 15 tháng 7 năm 2010

Seth442:I have a few questions:

1) what verb would I use to say I am taking a class?

[It could be "Mi estas en klaso." If you are referring to entering a class, maybe "aliĝi al iu klaso" or "registriĝi en (la) klaso" could do the trick. As for me, I prefer uncommon constructions like "Mi (ek)klasumas" or "Mi (ek)enklasis" but I don't think many are accustomed to see such constructions. lango.gif]

2) does "klaso" ever refer to the physical location of a class or would you always use "klasejo" (which I would translate as class-room)
ex. "Klase, mi studis matematikon" = "In class, I studied math" vs "Klaseje, mi studis matematikon"

[No, it doesn't. Use "klasĉambro" since it's the most used and the most concise as well. Classes do take place in rooms, right? okulumo.gif So, it's "Klasĉambre..."]

3) does "mi estas en klaso" mean "I am in class (physically)", or "i am in (taking) a class", or neither?

[It means that you're in the class as it happens. This also applies when you're in a virtual class. rideto.gif]

4) how would I saw "It is the hardest math course?"
my best effort: "Ĝi estas la plej malfacila el ĉiuklasoj matematikaj.

["Tio estas la plej malfacila matematika kurso."]

Thanks! [Nedankinde, estas mia plezuro. (You're welcome, it's my pleasure.) sal.gif]

ceigered (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 04:53:38 Ngày 15 tháng 7 năm 2010

I'd assume klasejo would work just as well as klasĉambro, even if klasejo is more ambiguous (well, "klasejo" is a lot less of a mouthful anyway)

Seth442 (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 05:36:08 Ngày 15 tháng 7 năm 2010

Thanks - while we are on the topic of classes, does anyone know how to say graduate school, or graduate student?

patrik (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 05:43:48 Ngày 15 tháng 7 năm 2010

Seth442:Thanks - while we are on the topic of classes, does anyone know how to say graduate school, or graduate student?
graduate school = postbakalaŭra lernejo
graduate studento = postbakalaŭra studento


Seth442 (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 17:17:07 Ngày 15 tháng 7 năm 2010

Thanks, I was wondering about the distinction between "klaso" and "kurso" and what you said makes a lot of sense to me.

feliz123 (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 02:48:11 Ngày 16 tháng 7 năm 2010

"4)Ĝi estas la plej malfacila matematika kurso."

In this case, shouldn't we use "tio"?


ceigered (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 08:22:09 Ngày 16 tháng 7 năm 2010

feliz123:"4)Ĝi estas la plej malfacila matematika kurso."

In this case, shouldn't we use "tio"?

Not so I believe, if the context is correct. For example, a colloquial conversation between best friends Frederick and Marcus, from the magical land of Esperancia:

Freĝjo) "Ah, kiel estas via lernado ĉe la universitato?"
Marĉjo) "Ho, ĝi estas la plej malfacila matematika kurso!"
Here, both speakers share an understanding that ĝi refers to the study course at the university.


Marĉjo) "Ho, tio estas la plej malfacila matematika kurso!"
Freĝjo) "Kio? Pri kio vi parolos?"
Marĉjo) "O, mia kurso ĉe mia universitato. La laboro estas tro multa por mi!"
Freĝjo) "Haha, mi'miko, vi estas tro mola! Ni devas fortigi vin!"

erinja (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 13:05:33 Ngày 16 tháng 7 năm 2010

What is "ĝi" referring to here? The course?

(which I'd call a "kurso pri matematiko" or "kurso de matematiko", because to me, a mathematical course is different than a course on mathematics. This distinction becomes clearer if you discuss a class that teaches French, kurso pri la franca/kurso de la franca, versus a class that IS French, franca kurso)

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