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The Sun writes about Esperanto

от Chainy, 27 июля 2010 г.

Сообщений: 8

Язык: English

Chainy (Показать профиль) 27 июля 2010 г., 14:55:12

Via the "Klaku" site I found this rather positive article about Esperanto (and the 'lernu!' site), which featured in The Sun, the most popular tabloid paper in the UK.

Report in The Sun

If anyone's here as a result of reading this article, then welcome! Hope you stick around as it's an interesting language, I would agree with Ken Miner's opinion that it's 'a work of art'. Don't expect perfection, but it's really amazing just how functional and flexible Esperanto can be! ridulo.gif

qwertz (Показать профиль) 27 июля 2010 г., 15:53:56



"Summary of our recent press coverage now on the JEBsite - www.jeb.org.uk/2010/07/27/jebanoj-appear-in-the-sun"


ceigered (Показать профиль) 28 июля 2010 г., 13:41:43

I'm not sure whether to disagree or agree with the subtitle "A WACKY language created 123 years ago is getting a big boost thanks to the internet." rido.gif

A certain member of this forum is mentioned on the article too (Hawkins, where are you? lango.gif), but maybe more lernu members are on there (EDIT: in fact, what am I saying one of the guys said he learnt EO thanks to lernu. Man I'm having a stupid day!)

jan aleksan (Показать профиль) 28 июля 2010 г., 13:43:05

ceigered:I'm not sure whether to disagree or agree with the subtitle "A WACKY language created 123 years ago is getting a big boost thanks to the internet." rido.gif
It's better than "esperanto - the dead language"

qwertz (Показать профиль) 28 июля 2010 г., 15:15:26

jan aleksan:
ceigered:I'm not sure whether to disagree or agree with the subtitle "A WACKY language created 123 years ago is getting a big boost thanks to the internet." rido.gif
It's better than "esperanto - the dead language"
"Berliner Helden: Heldensprache Esperanto" (Berlin heros: Language of the heroes: Esperanto!) lango.gif

BZ Berlin (in German)

enwilson (Показать профиль) 29 июля 2010 г., 1:12:09

ceigered:I'm not sure whether to disagree or agree with the subtitle "A WACKY language created 123 years ago is getting a big boost thanks to the internet." rido.gif
Coming soon to the BBC: Keeping Up La Lingvo! The zany exploits of a wacky language! lango.gif

Yep, that's the type of lead line we expect from tabloids, even on this side of the pond. Still, nice that they ran it.

KetchupSoldier (Показать профиль) 29 июля 2010 г., 2:05:32

ceigered:I'm not sure whether to disagree or agree with the subtitle "A WACKY language created 123 years ago is getting a big boost thanks to the internet." rido.gif
There's nothing wrong with being a little wacky. ridulo.gif I take great pride in my weird side (which happens to be nearly every side).

Lynchie (Показать профиль) 29 июля 2010 г., 22:22:24

Although I had heard of Esperanto many years ago, I was actually encouraged to learn it by that article, and that is the very reason I am here ridulo.gif
