Why All The Aggression Against Esperanto?
fra Lynchie,2010 8 3
Meldinger: 13
Språk: English
ceigered (Å vise profilen) 2010 11 17 11:12:08
Uvi and Mustelvulpo I think are in the running to be great social commentators in life, if they have not achieved so yet 
Humans are beings that like to specialise ourselves quite often, even if that specialisation means being a jack of all trades. Thus, it does make sense that things we do not like or do not understand are relegated to "waste of energy and existence" as far as our minds are concerned. To some extent, this is a good thing, as there probably are things that are truly worthless. Esperanto I hope isn't one of them
, although to me to call Esperanto a waste of my time is to call a large part of my maturity, development stages (linguistically and otherwise) and so forth a waste of time also.

Humans are beings that like to specialise ourselves quite often, even if that specialisation means being a jack of all trades. Thus, it does make sense that things we do not like or do not understand are relegated to "waste of energy and existence" as far as our minds are concerned. To some extent, this is a good thing, as there probably are things that are truly worthless. Esperanto I hope isn't one of them

Frankouche (Å vise profilen) 2010 11 20 12:49:21
The herd of white sheeps is always making fun about "black sheeps"
But they have their own mind. Not subjected to the general view. They are free.
I'm proud to be a black sheep !
But they have their own mind. Not subjected to the general view. They are free.
I'm proud to be a black sheep !

qwertz (Å vise profilen) 2010 11 20 13:07:23
Mustelvulpo:Much of the individual criticism of Esperanto and other unfamiliar things comes from the self-centeredness of the criticizers and I'm afraid such self-centeredness is part of the human condition.Hhm. Very interesting term: "self-centeredness". Is it an unbiased synonym word to "individualistic behaviour"?
For a lot of people, things that don't interest them personally are regarded as utterly worthless and anyone who is interested in them is a fool. I'm sure we all know a lot of people who, when they don't like a certain kind of food, can't stop at simply saying "I don't care for that particular food." Instead they must embellish their dislike to the point of "That food is garbage and there must be something wrong with you if you like it."If they don't share your taste in music they can't simply say, "That music isn't my cup of tea, I prefer other types." Instead it's: "That music sucks and anyone who listens to it is an idiot."
Just my personal thoughts at this topic.
Maybe it's kind of human learning to switch into unknown persons position automatically. That will result with personal emotional closeness and feeling offending. In German: "Etwas persönlich nehmen". In E-o maybe: "memmensige de iujn kredojn aŭ konvinkojn(beliefs)" In English maybe: "Feeling offended by somebodies beliefs". It's important to mention that this process of feeling offended is only triggered by the feeling offended person by itselves and not of the person who seems to behave offending. There's no direct action by the "offending-object-person" apart from simple existing as an human. This effect cames often in context called "culture shock". So people meet other people and think: "If I would be the other person at this spezial situation or stage of life I would be or categorize myself i.e. unpolite, stupid, bad educated, gay etc.". So, it's a kind of switch into a strangers identity but with the own beliefs.
I don't exclude myself from that automatically identity belief switching attitude but I try to roll back/rewind/minimize it. Maybe it's human nature. I don't know.